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  1. Is there a way to get a better quality upon export?
  2. There is no view option for me (I am using windows 10) There is only general, Security, Details, Previous versions
  3. How do you rename the file type to a .agif!?!?!?
  4. So I learned you cane make gifs using paint.net so I tried to but failed every time I make a gif I make it but when I try to open it I use windows media player because its the only thing I think I can use and when I try to us it, it gives me this error: Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file.
  5. I know there isn't a plug-in that allows you to add more curve points onto the line tool thats why I made this thread!! respond like upvote what ever to make the devs see this and see how much we want a more to be able to add more points for an update!
  6. Is there a plugin for text that allows for 2 colors a primary and a secondary like a inner color and a edge color if you know what I mean... and just plugins for text not fonts just text in general..
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