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Posts posted by Peekuhcheew

  1. I'm creating my own custom coin for fantasy currency and the circle text need two text boxes one for upper and the other one for lower the two small boxes need left and right reverse text, Yes it is messy when you see text on your coin not well neatly and perfectly centered.

    Custom Coin Mint Creation Suggestion.png

  2. 6 hours ago, MJW said:

    To make the box disappear, hit Finish in the toolbar, just above the canvas. It's at the right side, by the green check mark. The way it works is, clicking the Paintbucket causes the little square, along with the Move arrows to appear. You can then use the mouse to move the box around, using the move arrows. The box specifies the location to where the fill will start. The fill completes when you either do something like start another fill, or click Finish. There's no way to make it do something different, and you get used to it (at least I did).

    What bothers me is that I had to keep doing it. An option is suggested so I don't have to keep pressing the finish button. Enable Finish atomically makes the small box disappear while Disable Finish is for dragging the color box to fill.

    disable finish.png

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