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  1. So, I changed the dpi of the picture to a squared one, and I resized it then manually ( it’s a little bit time consuming and the size will not be exactly the same as the original pic. but for me it will be good enough). Thank you very much for your help!
  2. Is there anything I can do to modify that? Or will this image never open correctly again? (I noticed, those problematic pictures also appear squeezed in some other softwares, principally when I am trying to apply modifications to them).
  3. Hello, I have a certain number of pictures, which are not quite correctly displayed when I open then with paint.net. They appear like a little bit squeezed in the height. These are normal .jpg pictures (the problem doesn’t appear with all of my jpg pics though, it’s just some of them). I joined screenshots of an original picture, compared to the same one displayed in paint.net. I would be very grateful if a solution to my problem could be found. Thank you very much. Cyril
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