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  1. @StephanP Yes, I have two valid payment options with MS. The problem is not with my payment credentials. It's either a region lock or MS payment system is defective. I wanted to know if it was the former from Rick Brewster.
  2. Hi guys, I got excited when I heard that Paint.NET was gonna be on the MS Store. Thought I'd finally get to pay for the service (outside of donations). But I'm having problems purchasing it thru either my credit card or PayPal (on MS Store). Is Paint.NET on MS Store region locked? I'm Canadian and trying to buy it with my Canadian accounts. The error just says I need to reach out to MS Support. I've never had this issue with other apps. Also, I had to Google search for the Paint.NET app page on MS Store. Couldn't find it thru the Windows 10 widget. Cheers!
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