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Sword of Apollo

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  1. Alright, thank you, Rick and MadJik. That's an easy-enough workaround for when I need it. It's odd, because I used v3.36 and v3.5 quite a lot some years back, and I don't recall ever noticing that behavior. Maybe I just never had occasion to do an unconstrained resize, followed by a constrained resize. Edit: Perhaps this would be too complicated or work-intensive to do, but just a thought: Would it be possible for an unconstrained resize to generate a new "original" aspect ratio, but a constrained resize not to do so?
  2. Thank you very much to all of the developers and plugin creators of Paint.net. I find it to be a very useful and intuitive app. I'd like to report that, in 4.0.17, resizing a selection doesn't behave as one would expect under certain circumstances. When you select something, then modify the dimensions of that selection arbitrarily, then attempt to resize it proportionally by holding Shift, the proportion of the selection reverts to what it was before the modification. This is strange behavior that older versions of Paint.net didn't suffer from. Thanks.
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