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  1. Much appreciated. My photos are of a checkered praying mantis. So unless the kids a out-of-sorts when viewing "bugs", it should be OK. Unfortunately, the forum does not offer an adequate file size (max 256kB), and I would like to supply you with the original files (3), each is ~ 23MB, as they came out of the camera. -If you have a way for me to do so, I'll happily await your proposed solution.
  2. Hi guys, I recently concluded a night time watering hole photography excursion. Unfortunately, the lighting is not DC, but AC (which means banding), @50-60Hz for incandescent light and @100-120Hz for LED). -The photos are in JPEG. Does anyone know of a smart plugin that can use the HDR approach to "average" the bands to a minimum, and give me control over the its harshness? I assume this is the most applicable approach, but this is MY view of "how to solve" - so any redirection/ different approach, and a plugin link of there is one will be greatly appreciated.
  3. Thanks Pixey, Though, is it not a feasible feature? - It would make a whole lot of difference, I believe to any user to have that - a kind of dll or pagefile which will save on -demand the "new" defaults of different plugins or even the initial "new" canvas size and such...
  4. Hi, Is there a possibility to add a preset pagefile, where I can set my default 'new' page dimensions, and keep plugins/ addons setup values which I use habitually, so they can be either invoked by the user, or even get 'tuned' as soon as they are uploaded ? In the age of 4K screens and 'retina' resolution, 600x800 just doesn't 'cut it'. If there's such a feature already, I would be grateful to learn of it.
  5. (1) Enabling to save value sets as default for plug-ins, other than what is their initial default. I.E., I use habitually 3-5 plugins that do not come as PDN default plugins - Sharpen+, JPGnoisereduction, Basic Adjustments, Curves+ & Color Mixer. Almost all of them I have to set time and again to the values I prefer. If there was a file that would be called upon to input these changes after I set them each time I call a plugin, it would be very helpful. (2) Same kind of solution for setting the default canvas size when opening new. (3) The ability to assign/customize shortcuts to plugins - whether they appear as default (in photo/noise/etc..) or plugged in. Any help will be greatly appreciated, and immensely time efficient.
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