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  1. Okay. So after further messing around with the various tools, I've discovered that it's easier to edit out logos using a plugin I have. I'm not sure which plugin it's from but the tool is called Basic Adjustments. I select the outline of the logo using the wand tool and then I edit the saturation, contrast and other variables until the logo is transparent. The only problem I'm having is that the edges go black, so probably worth looking into. I find for smaller watermarks and line based ones, your best bet is to use the blur tool because it removes high detail from the image, and if there are 3 pixel lines everywhere, they get blurred out. Oh well. Just putting my two cents here and there. You all have a happy watermark removing day. PS. The author's name is Tanel Ruutli. Look for some form of image editing addon.
  2. Now that is out of the way, Does anyone know any good plugins/methods for removing watermarks from images? I was looking at making my own program, but so far the paint.net tool Blurs>Surface Blur looks really good for removing those fine lines. What about the logos? Could you make some form of mask and make subtract the color of the mask from the image? That'd effectively cancel out the logo. I think. I'll mess around and report what I find. Cheerio. PS. Also noticed that the last reply was in 2011. Whoops. Totes necroing here.
  3. Copyright. It is a difficult subject. In terms of altering images to remove watermarks, this is permitted. Heck you can do whatever you want with the image and copyright can't touch you. Copyright steps in when you distribute the image and share it with others, and depending on the media you edited or are re-distributing, the copyright laws dictate what you can and cannot do with the image. Copyright also applies when you use said image in say, a game or a movie. Because that image belongs to someone else (intellectual property rights), you can't distribute your media while it contains that image. Apart from that, I don't think you'll have the cops bashing your door down because you edited an image. Just don't distribute it. Or distribute only 10% of it, where fair use applies.
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