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  1. I am sorry, I was afraid that this is the only information I will get.. Well, at least in the form tEXtComment (and 00h), it preserved. I turned on my old comp with WinXP and PDN 3.5.11, you can check my results. It even preserved 21FEh block from GIF as a tEXtComment. Anyway, this is history. Let's hope that this will be included in some future release of the PDN. PNG_tests.ZIP
  2. Surely version 3.x, and this version was adding its signature using the tEXt chunk into .png images. The image 5x5 pixel I included in my first post is not small enough? O.K., see it included in the .zip together with old image I have created using 3.5 version of the Paint.NET. PNGs_with_tEXt_chunk.zip
  3. O.K., I have upgraded to 5.0.13, it behaves the same way. So the same question.
  4. Hello, I would like to insert some comments into .png files. Old Paint.NET was able to keep tEXt chunk, when I edited PNG which has included it already, but current Paint.NET (well, I am using 4.3.12 version) simply deletes it. Is there any solution for this or similar chunks? <<< See the attached image (5x5 pixels) in some hex editor - most of it is text.
  5. Backspace - Fill the selection? But that's not what I want. If I manually trasfered two colors from sides of the selection, I want to get gradient like this: I have found that Gradient which is part of the PaintNet itself is better for this, since it uses gradient from primary to secondary color, which I can pick by color picker. But even with this, it is quite difficult to do it line by line. I hoped that some plugin does exist which do gradient from one border of the selection to opposite border. Something like this (created by Gradient and Autohotkey script line by line).
  6. Of course, I mean to use the color picker on the image, not on the color wheel. Or, is there any other way how to make smooth transition where a cut in image is visible?
  7. I would like to use the Gradient for masking of a sharp edge, making gradient from one side to another. But Gradient Effect remember last two colors and I do not know how to change it by color picker, except to write down RGB numbers and than set it manually...
  8. Yes, this plugin saves .pdf with transparency. And Acrobat Reader tool Stamp (which can be created only from .pdf) uses that transparency. Unfortunately, Sign Tool ignores transparency and use white color as transparent. It looks like this:
  9. I have an image with alpha channel, like this one: If I let it convert by online tool https://docupub.com/pdfconvert/ I get a pdf with the preserved alpha channel: sign_white_red_alpha2_docupub.pdf But when I want to do it directly from Paint.Net, the result is without transparency: sign_white_red_alpha_paintnet3.pdf Is there some settings of the plugin 1632140104_ImPDF_Save.FileTypev1.4.zip or another plugin for saving pdf from Paint.Net, which would preserve the transparency of the original png? It is very handy because pdf with transparency can be used as "Stamp" in Adobe Reader and one can add a sign or any image to any pdf.
  10. It sounds hopefully, but I have older PDN, so I cannot try it. If there is something like "Paste bitmap in clipboard into selection", it is probably what I need (IfranView works this way).
  11. Imagine for instance grass, sand, foliage, smooth surface, simply no edges or orientation points or contrasting spots anywhere in the image. As I said, almost impossible to line up "by eye", tending to errors. In such case using opacity is also useless. My approach with pencil and paper is still much better :-( . Update: But you inspired me and I have found this workaround: Both images to two layers, and because one selection works for both of them, I can do Copy/Paste with changing the active layer, without any use of the Move tool. If I had some keyboard shortcuts for switching active layer, I need not anything else...
  12. Is there anything new in this topic? Is there any way how to place a selection into exact position by coordinates? Typical task is this: I have two images taken from a tripod, so some parts are exactly the same pixel by pixel. And I want to create the third image from parts of those two: The only way I discovered so far is to make a selection in one image, write down to paper "Selection top left" coordinates, copy the selection, paste it to result, and then move it to its position using that recorded coordinates. It is slow and time consuming, but far better than trying to place it "by eye", which is almost impossible in complex images. For instance IrfanView allows to save and recall selection size and position, but on the other hand it allows only single rectangle selection, so I would like to use PDN for such tasks.
  13. Yet another error: on the page https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ToolsWindow.html are links to non-existing page: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ShapeSelectionTools.html
  14. I would like to know, how many megabytes everyone has to download, when is forced to open the online help for every forgoten keyboard shorcut, for every forgoten trick, again and again. My test using Wireshark: index page, search using google for one keyword, opening a result page: about 2MB (including TCP/IP overhead, but probably also including timestamps and the other TCPdump overhead...) My .pdf containing the whole web: 8MB. My choice is apparent even when I am online. BTW, I found a small error in the https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/GradientTool.html code. There is left " &gt; " in the menu code, so the menu item Tools contains unintended space ...
  15. Strange comment. And I do not only work usually offline (well, I could connect by GPRS, but it took half hour for everytime I needed some help), I also use WindowsXP and Paint.NET 3.5, so the online help is not actual for me. I believe that advertisement on the help page brings some benefit - why not. But your approach is quite unusual. So I created my own PDF from the help page. It took hours, because I had no experience with it, that's why I originally hoped I can just download it.
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