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    St. Louis, Missouri, United States

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  1. Muh bad. I'll just do the paint.net editing (cropping) before using exiftool to add the tags. I like that paint.net uses LZW when (re)writing the TIFF files 'cause the scanner util doesn't use any compression. Thanks, eh?
  2. I'm using a Canon 9000F Mark II scanner and it's included IJ Scan Utliity to scan family photos to TIFF images under Windows 10 Pro x64. I then use exiftool v10.63 on the image file to set all the EXIF & XMP metadata Date/Time fields (to the scan date/time). Finally I use Paint.net v4.0.19 to modify/crop the image. Paint.net is stripping out all the metadata I set (with exiftool). Here is a copy of the scanned image and it's original metadata (as extracted by exiftool). Here is a copy of the image after adding the metadata via exiftool and resultant metadata in the file. Here is a copy of the image after modification by paint.net and the metadata afterwards. Why is Paint.net stripping the metadata? Can't it just pass it all through and only add or change what it needs to?
  3. You all are incredible. I go away for a few days and y'all have solved world hunger. Thanks, eh?
  4. I've used paint.net in the past to do very simple image manipulation (resize, crop, etc). Now I want to do something advanced (for me anyway): I'd like to overlay semi-transparent pie slices on top of an overhead property pic to show sprinkler head locations (apex of pie shape) and the water throw (radius of slice) of each head. I've been unable to find a way in paint.net to draw pie slices or an option for opaqueness(?). Can someone point me to some relevant how-tos or give me some ideas on how I might accomplish this? Thanks.
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