I am making a plugin on CodeLab, and I have been having quite a bit of trouble. I want to make a script that takes an input of something like "[10,10;20,20;0.5,0.25,0.9;1][50,60;10,10;0,0,0;1]" and creates a picture out of it. Heres how its suppose to work.
[posX, posY; sizeX, sizeY, R,B,G; ZIndex] (the ZIndex is not being used yet, because other problems are in the way first, but eventually I would like to have it so that tables with high ZIndex's overwrite the colors of tables with lower ZIndexs)
I want it to paint all of the pixels in the area define by the size and position the RBG given. I have been having trouble debugging this because paint.net keeps on crashing whenever an error exists in the code(because it auto compiles every few seconds). It is VERY annoying. I have tested the string parsing on other programs and am confident that it works, but it still keeps on crashing. Eventually, I want to get rid of the line String Amount1 = "[10,10;20,20;0.5,0.25,0.9;1][50,60;10,10;0,0,0;1]"; and allow an input from the User Interface Designer. Can anyone out there finish the script for me or point me toward a better plugin creator for Paint.net?
Here is the code I have so far (and yes the UI code isnt in yet)
// Name:
// Submenu:
// Author:
// Title:
// Version:
// Desc:
// Keywords:
// URL:
// Help:
private byte Clamp2Byte(int iValue)
if (iValue<0) return 0;
if (iValue>255) return 255;
return (byte)iValue;
void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
String Amount1 = "[10,10;20,20;0.5,0.25,0.9;1][50,60;10,10;0,0,0;1]";
int length = Amount1.Length;
ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
double R, G, B;
for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) //Replicate background before making changes
if (IsCancelRequested) return;
for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
CurrentPixel = src[x,y];
dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;
while (length > 10)
int startPos = Amount1.IndexOf("[");
int endPos = Amount1.IndexOf("]");
String newString = Amount1.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos + 1); //[-293,-280;585,559;1,1,1;1]
Amount1 = Amount1.Substring(endPos, Amount1.Length - endPos);
length = Amount1.Length;
int posX = Int32.Parse(newString.Substring(1, newString.IndexOf(",") - 1)); //-293
newString = newString.Substring(newString.IndexOf(","), newString.Length - newString.IndexOf(",")); //,-280;585,559;1,1,1;1]
int posY = Int32.Parse(newString.Substring(1, newString.IndexOf(";") - 1)); //-280
newString = newString.Substring(newString.IndexOf(";"), newString.Length - newString.IndexOf(";")); //;585,559;1,1,1;1]
int sizeX = Int32.Parse(newString.Substring(1, newString.IndexOf(",") - 1)); //585
newString = newString.Substring(newString.IndexOf(","), newString.Length - newString.IndexOf(",")); //,559;1,1,1;1]
int sizeY = Int32.Parse(newString.Substring(1, newString.IndexOf(";") - 1)); //559
newString = newString.Substring(newString.IndexOf(";"), newString.Length - newString.IndexOf(";")); //;1,1,1;1]
R = Int32.Parse(newString.Substring(1, newString.IndexOf(",") - 1)); //1
newString = newString.Substring(newString.IndexOf(","), newString.Length - newString.IndexOf(",")); //,1,1;1]
G = Int32.Parse(newString.Substring(1, newString.IndexOf(",", 1) - 1)); //1 the extra one is to start the search after the first comma
newString = newString.Substring(newString.IndexOf(",", 1), newString.Length - newString.IndexOf(",", 1)); //,1;1]
B = Int32.Parse(newString.Substring(1, newString.IndexOf(";") - 1)); //1
newString = newString.Substring(newString.IndexOf(";"), newString.Length - newString.IndexOf(";")); //;1]
int ZIndex = Int32.Parse(newString.Substring(1, newString.IndexOf("]") - 1)); //1
newString = "";
"R = " + R.ToString() + "; " +
"G = " + G.ToString() + "; " +
"B = " + B.ToString()
double A = 1;
for(int y = posY; y < posY + sizeY; y++)
for (int x = posX; x < posX + sizeX; x++)
CurrentPixel = src[x,y];
int r = (int)Math.Round(R * 255);
int g = (int)Math.Round(G * 255);
int b = (int)Math.Round(B * 255);
int a = (int)Math.Round(A * 255); //opacity
//// Reassemble the color from R, G, and B
//CurrentPixel = ColorBgra.FromBgra(Clamp2Byte(b),Clamp2Byte(g),Clamp2Byte(r),Clamp2Byte(a));
//dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;
////"R = " + R.ToString() + "; " +
////"G = " + G.ToString() + "; " +
////"B = " + B.ToString() + "; " +
////"X = " + x.ToString() + "; " +
////"Y = " + y.ToString()