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  1. Damnation. I marked the wrong post as solution. Obviously, the post from Ego Eram Reputo contains the solution.....
  2. Thanks a million. I will be playing a bit with Planetoid.
  3. I am trying to create terrain like this. It's not the "horizontal lines", but the actual terrain texture in the same colors I like to do (all blue'ish or red'ish or...). I know there's the cool "Relief Map Generator" plugin from Ego Eram Reputo, but it's not doing what I want (or I am being dumb and not using it correctly). Thanks!!!
  4. Hey, thanks Iron67. That's exactly what I was looking for :-). There seems to be an issue in the plugin where secondary color is ignored, but that is easily fixed :-)
  5. Hi Does anyone know how I can 'easily' create a black/yellow warning tape effect? Something like attached. I know I could create some shapes and then copy paste them, but I was wondering if there was an effect or plugin I could use. If this was already answered somewhere, I apologize for being blind :-). Kind regards Ralph
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