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Everything posted by AndrewDavid

  1. Hers my 2 cents. Keep in mind that plugin is one of the rare ones that asks for payment. You might be using a feature that can only be used properly after you pay the registration fee. The author hasn't been around for quite awhile. We still have the watermarks on basic text functions. So I would think those strikeouts are along the same lines. A way of getting your registration and payment for the plugin.
  2. Congrats Woodsy on your promotion to the galleria. Your house is very well done. I will be studying it for methods. There was a form of art I saw 20 years ago. It had to do with pencil sketches of old houses. Do you know what I mean and have you ever tried doing one?
  3. @lynxster4 - @Seerose - @Pixey Thank you all for stopping by and having a look. Your comments are much appreciated.
  4. Awesome plug-in Toe_head. Worthy of being included in your pack.
  5. 3 words men love to hear - You were right! Changed my plugin to the new one ImAGIF.DLL (Still in Beta?)
  6. My hats off to you all. Congrats DrewDale, lynxster4 and Pixey. Competition is always a learning avenue to take. Keep up the spirit!
  7. Thank you Remake for the tutorial. Any help in learning this wonderful app is much appreciated. Here's another example of a great tutorial that demonstrates the wonders of PaintDNet.
  8. Just had to add this to my collection. For those days when I cant decide what color to use.
  9. I noticed the text was coming out transparent so I made good use of it. Something different from all those other text plugins.
  10. Amazing realism. Well done. Exactly how I plan to learn. By watching you guys. I'm still a novice. Learning the questions to ask for the future as well.
  11. Nice. You really like that globe effect. So many different things you can do with it too. Another inspiring work of art.
  12. Good to know then,. Thanks for the response. I see there is another AGIF/APNG Animator around. I was using the Simon Brown one. The other is ImaGIF/ImAPNG plugin. Ill give those a try.
  13. After your demo last night in another post - I thought I would give your stickman a try. Yes - I had the same problem with the manual - but was easily resolved by changing permissions. The issue I am having is when I save as AGIF - the preview panel shows black. Hence when I save the file and rename it to gif nothing appears but a black screen. When I reopen the file as an AGIF - all layers are black. They were all transparent to begin with except the first layer - with a band of white at the bottom. I have made other AGIF's before so I know that the plugin works. Also - If I try to save as a APNG - when the save dialogue first came up - it said read error. Clicking a setting allowed it to display the image correctly and allowed me to save. I have no app that will read a apng. Changing it to png just displays the first layer as a black screen as well. Another WIN10 issue like MosaicManiac ?
  14. Very beautiful. You continue to inspire me. Still waiting for a solution to running that plugin on our WIN10 platforms. 416 others to play with.
  15. http://www.getpaint.net/download.html#download exactly how it is stored on the official website. Make sure you click on the correct link.
  16. Thanks Woodsy and Dipstick. How else am I to learn? And don't say tutorials . Experience hanging with you pro's is a much better idea.
  17. Well Boltbait I downloaded it and watched it. The installer he is getting is nothing like what I see when I install paint. He has a window that shows the files being written to the hard disk on the dos platform.: Hope this helps. I ran the installation twice today on a WIN10 computer. <<<<<<<<what you should be installing what you are trying to to install >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  18. Just performed the following; removed all effects uninstalled re-installed added mosaic maniac still not working Ill leave this one to the experts now.
  19. Error messages I just received from doing a fresh install (the app still installed and I can use it fine). Just in case that's any help Boltbait. Win10 as well. Selected ignore on both Dialogues as well. Something else I just found interesting; This might relate to the mouse issue I am having. I may create a separate post if this re-installing doesn't resolve that issue. The timing seems to be the same as when I started having my mouse issue.
  20. HA - finally got to this plugin and had the same issue. See - Forums work
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