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Posts posted by lopati

  1. I know there's other ways to do it (keyboard etc), but that misses the point because still have to switch toone of the active paint.net windows.


    What I want is like outlook, I can select the action directly from the task bar


    i.e. instead of: do work in another app, print-screen, switch to paint.net, paste-into-new-image, switch-back-to-app, repeat


    I'm looking for: do work in another app, print-screen, right click paint.net task bar icon, choose paste to new image, repeat


    i.e. save the switch-to paint.net.  (Of course would need to start paint.net once so the task bar icon is active).


    similar to in outlook once opened, I can right click the task bar icon and choose create new message - even if outlook is minimized/behind something


    OK, only saves 2 steps (switch to paint, switch back to app), but when doing a series of screenshots way less disruptive to getting the sequence right

  2. Clicking on paint.net in the task bar [re]opens the paint.net, unless have multiple images in which case have to choose one

    Right clicking on paint.net in the task bar provides the usual options - pin to task bar, close window

    but more can be added, such as what outlook does on a right-click


    what I reckon would be useful was at least the Edit - Paste into New Image option drectly from the task bar icon


    Why? when doing a series of screenshots (yes, like user documentation)

    1. open app, print screen, open paint.net, File->paste Into New Image

    2. back to app [do some work], print screen, click paint.net, File->paste Into New Image

    3. back to app [do some work], print screen, click paint.net - asks which window to open, choose one, File->paste Into New Image

    4 repeat step 3 (and the more paint.net pages open the more annoying it gets)


    Adding the "Paste into New Image" option directly into the paint.net task bar icon (right click) would make life just that little bit easier

    (or perhaps 2 versions of it: 'paste & open', 'paste without open'


    Would make grabbing that series of screenshots less of a chore


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