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Posts posted by JMS11482

  1. Hi all. I find Paint.net very useful and great....except for one thing: the Printing interface! There was an old, editing program which had a BRILLIANT print interface and I still do not understand why nothing similar hasn't been introduced into PDN. The program was from the late 90's named Ulead Photoimpact. When you do a print preview, a page is displayed in full length along with your image on it. Now if you simply drag the image to whatever position you want on the page, when you print, the paper will look exactly like what you have on your screen and it doesn't matter if you drag half of the it out of the paper page, the print will look like that when you print it! Furthermore you canĀ  centre, re-size, fit the image in the page and all the usual things. There was also a ruler on the preview so that if you drag your image say 2cm from the top edge, the print will come out just like you set it!

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