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  1. I haven't done a whole lot with System.Drawing before, so I'll keep an eye on the documentation. I see that while you can just draw what you want, it looks like the more accepted way for a Paint.NET plugin to work is to set values dot by dot in the nested loops anyway.
  2. I guess I meant that the exception didn't really explain what was going wrong. I did miss that part in the documentation, though.
  3. This was definitely my problem. Wow, DrawBeziers does not fail gracefully with the wrong number of elements in that array! Looks like there's actually a signature for an array of Points or PointF.
  4. Is there any work around to use that method? I get (and I had to type this, is there any way to copy exceptions out of CodeLab?): System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status) at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawBeziers(Pen pen, Point[] points) at PaintDotNet.Effects.UserScripts.Render(.....) I built a List<Point> then did Point[] pointsArr = points.ToArray(); g.DrawBeziers(myPen, pointsArr);
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