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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. Oh, thank you @Pixey!!! I've added the link. And, yes, I had something like that in mind for this year's Christmas wallpaper! ? The image is perfect!! ?
  2. I had to Google that. The pattern looks very complicated to me! ? And thank you to @ReMake for the rep!
  3. Beautiful waterlily dear @Seerose! Thank you for trying the tutorial! ? (rep later)
  4. WOW! I'd be stressed, too! Sounds like an awful lot of work. Be sure and thank Google for that. (of course, I'm kidding...) Good luck to you @lifeday Have a drink on me. ?
  5. I'm going to be adding instructions a little later in the week for these additional patterns I've created: Thanks for all the support everyone!
  6. Thank you @xod @doughty and @Maximilian for the reps! Let's see your knitting skills! ? Thank you @LionsDragon! Also, thank you to @Pixey @toe_head2001and @MJW!
  7. Don't knock yourself. I should have stated that this needs to be on a transparent background and I didn't...(my fault) ? I should edit the instructions. The inspiration for this came as I was perusing PS tutorials Friday night and came across psd-dude's knitting tuts. He was making something else, but he included a swatch of his knitting. I thought, "I can make that" and this tut was born. Do we have anything that makes realistic-looking stitches? I'll have to investigate... And your bunny looks soooo precious! Great job! I love the creamy color of your knit. Reps to you and welshy tomorrow...I'm out! **clarified the tutorial**
  8. Ohhhh....I totally agree! I really like that. I'm going to have to experiment further! Thanks for the tip! ? I just can't get over how realistic this looks...I'd swear you knitted it yourself, welshy!
  9. Thanks to all of you who repped: @welshblue, @Maximilian, @MadJik, @Eli and @MJW The texture itself is easy to make, it's thinking of ways to use it! And I have hundreds of ideas already! I may go on a 'knitting spree'.....
  10. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it Hi, all. I came up with this technique to create a realistic knit texture. Level of difficulty - easy. Plugins needed: NomBot's Dot Matrix MJW's Trail Blur Pyrochild's Trail We will be making this basic knit pattern: -------->> Basic Knit Pattern: MK Stitch: MadJik's Plugin Pack Mock Cable Stitch: OAS Stitch: MJW's Offset Alternating Stripes plugin SW Stitch: My Favorite - The Squirkle Stitch: Red's Plugin Pack Waffle Weave Stitch: Stitches: Bonus Felt Fabric!! Please enjoy and do experiment with more of the 'Distort' plugins. The above are my top choices. ?
  11. WOW @Seerose All of them are very pretty! Good thing we're only allowed three entries...we'd all be beaten! ?
  12. I'm not going to allow your third image. We established 'no alterations' of any kind except a small border. Sorry, welshy.
  13. Yes, but it doesn't have to be on the original layer. What if you need to make a change to your border? I like to think of a border as 'showcasing' the work. You're not changing the original image. ?
  14. I am going to say 'no'. You're adding enhancements to the image, unlike doughty, who simply flipped her image and placed a one-pixel border around it. Yes, we needed some clarifications but you're making this too hard...think 'SIMPLE'.
  15. I see no reason why you should change it. The original image is intact. ?
  16. Hi @sashwilko Yes, you can play with the sliders!
  17. Wonderful rendition @butterfly8000 Very realistic indeed! ?
  18. Thank you sooo much @welshblue High praise indeed! (I scrolled and just got a headache...)
  19. Very artfully done @TrevorOutlaw ? Hummingbirds are one of my favorites, too.
  20. Hi @Tomlacko and welcome to the forum. Here are two plugins that you'll want to try: and this one: One of these should fit the bill! Good luck!
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