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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. Thank you and congrats to @MJW and @Pixey All the entries were stunning. It was quite a challenge. Thank you, Pixey, for the hosting!
  2. I just love the coloring of this piece! It seems to 'shimmer'. Wonderful job @Pixey!
  3. Meaning to try this out. Finally...this is a nice and easy way to make a beautiful background. Thank you @Sakana Oji
  4. That is soooo cute @Pixey Now get busy on the rest of your 'squares'...or you can't finish the quilt!
  5. Oh, that's neat-looking @LionsDragon The colors are perfect! It reminds me of illuminated pussy willows.
  6. A very unique piece of art @Rickhum Wonderful! 😄
  7. The theme this week is – "Mythological Animals " Chosen by ( @Maximilian SOTW #197 winner) This week you're challenged to design and create a signature to include a ‘Mythological Animal’. Examples can be viewed here. The deadline for entries is 7:00 pm (UK time) 2:00 pm (EST) on Saturday, Feb 16th, 2019. To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the World Time Competition Rules Max dimensions are 500 x 200. Please NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500 x 150, if it is too large do not try to use it as your regular signature. Please keep your signature family-friendly. Please keep to the theme that has been set. You may modify or replace your image until the deadline! Don’t violate copyright laws with found images; links to source images would be courteous. Your entry must be made using Paint.net; please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work. There are three entries per entrant allowed. Don’t add links to larger versions of your signature. Your entry should be voted on based on the size laid out in rule #1. Please keep larger versions of your work for your gallery. Signatures may be either horizontal or vertical. The winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition. Good luck all and thank you in advance for entering. Thanks to - chrisco97, Sozo, TheHowler, Nitenurse79, Chimay, DrewDale & Pixey for keeping this comp going in the past. Previous comps have included the following topics as listed Here compiled by MJW. This list will perhaps assist future winners with a theme. This thread is for posting your entries only. If you want to talk about any of the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread found here.
  8. Congratulations to the winners! 1st Place: is @Maximilian with 7 votes 2nd Place: is @Pixey with 6 votes 3rd Place: is @Pixey with 5 votes Great entries from everyone! Max, dear, you are on a roll! Great works from everyone!
  9. I would have never thought of that. Very innovative thinking! I'll have to try that.
  10. Now that looks much better than your first one. We have a newbie sewer in the house! xod, that looks really, really good! What did you use for the stitching around the letters?
  11. Haha...don't you know it! Is your example an imagining of your post in the 'Show Yourself, Redux' thread? (couldn't shave your head or face for weeks; beard and hair sticking out at every angle?) Nicely done, I can still see the silk texture underneath all the 'hair'! P.S. I've got a nice and simple 'fur' technique that looks quite nice. (See my Christmas wallpaper post...)
  12. Thanks, welshy! Lots and lots of shading! In fact, some of the shading is MJW's reworked EdgeShader.
  13. @Patrik You cannot change text on a layer after you've finalized it. PDN is not a text editor. You will probably have to re-do it. I don't know of any alternative.
  14. @Seerose Select the text only on layer 3...so the 'marching ants' are around the letters. Then Fill from Clipboard. The texture should only fill the letters. Do not mirror the image. It is big enough to fill the lettering.
  15. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it Here's the next installment in my 'Sewing' series. Adapted from the PS tutorial found here. The PS tutorial had a pre-made, pre-colored texture supplied. I will show you how to make your own. I simplified this as much as possible. This took me over 2 months to figure everything out. You will need these plugins: Clouds (built-in) Motion Blur (built-in) Sharpen+ Dragan Effect The Texture ----------------- we will be making this: Now, on to the application. I am using the PS tutorial example, which is text. This can be used on any shape as well. Download this font: AR Julian. We will be making this: A couple more examples of what you can do with this technique: I hoped you enjoyed this tutorial!
  16. Hi, @Reptillian First, thank you for all your work concerning the G'MIC plugin. Second, a question. Will the Construction Material Texture filter and all new filters made be automatically added to the G'MIC when we open it? Because you uploaded it to the website that the G'MIC plugin gets the filters from? Ha...that was poorly worded...but you get the gist!
  17. Thank you @Pixey and @Maximilian 🍷 🍹 Rep later Max...I ran out.
  18. Here's a larger version of Kimba. He was one of my favorite cartoons growing up. I never realized it was the first color animated TV series produced in Japan based on the manga created in the 1950's.
  19. The Poll is now open for ‘Cartoon Character'. It will be closed on Saturday, February 2nd, 2019 - 2 pm EST and 7 pm UK time. World Clock. Thank you, everyone, for your beautiful entries. May the best win!
  20. Thank you @ReMake for the restoration of this tutorial.
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