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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. More goodies! 🍬 🍭 Thank you @Xhin! Lots of possibilities here, as with all your plugins.
  2. Wonderful image @Rickhum! I do feel that I'm among the stars! However it's interpreted, the picture is beautiful. Great job!
  3. The theme this week is – "Xhin's Lattice Transform" Chosen by ( @Pixey SOTW #209 winner) This week you're challenged to design and create a signature that incorporates ‘Xhin's Lattice Transform Plugin’. Examples can be viewed here. The deadline for entries is 7:00 pm (UK time) 2:00 pm (EDT) on Saturday, October 19th, 2019. To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the World Time Competition Rules Max dimensions are 500 x 200. Please NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500 x 150, if it is too large do not try to use it as your regular signature. Please keep your signature family-friendly. Please keep to the theme that has been set. You may modify or replace your image until the deadline! Don’t violate copyright laws with found images; links to source images would be courteous. Your entry must be made using Paint.net; please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work. There are three entries per entrant allowed. Don’t add links to larger versions of your signature. Your entry should be voted on based on the size laid out in rule #1. Please keep larger versions of your work for your gallery. Signatures may be either horizontal or vertical. The winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition. Good luck all and thank you in advance for entering. Thanks to - chrisco97, Sozo, TheHowler, Nitenurse79, Chimay, DrewDale & Pixey for keeping this comp going in the past. Previous comps have included the following topics as listed Here compiled by MJW. This list will perhaps assist future winners with a theme. This thread is for posting your entries only. If you want to talk about any of the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread found here.
  4. Congratulations to the winners! 1st Place: is @lynxster4, @Pixey and @welshblue with 4 votes each 2nd Place: is @Seerose, @lynxster4 and @welshblue with 3 votes each 3rd Place: is @Seerose and @Pixey with 2 votes each Great entries from everyone! Everyone's entry won this week. Thanks for entering!
  5. You are killing me @Xhin! 🤣 How you keep churning out these plugins is beyond me. Another excellent plugin...purrfect for making seamless textures. Keep up the great work!! 😄
  6. Thank you @Xhin! I can see some very interesting backgrounds emerging from this plugin. Duplicate the layer and change the blending mode is all you need do and you get lots of different effects. Keep up the great work...I appreciate it!
  7. Thank you @Seerose, @welshblue and @Pixey for the lovely comments about the piece! ReMake's Emboss+ can really give some rather interesting and surprising results; I may have to use this more. 😄 Thank you @ReMake and @barbieq25 for the rep points! Thank you @Maximilian for the rep point!
  8. @Reptillian, please don't let me influence what you do to your g'mic filters. But, here's my opinion. I probably won't ever use Vibrato. It's just not my thing and I don't ever see me using it in my artwork. Not to say you shouldn't do this: add anti-aliasing, and blending mode options to vibrato as well as make the gradient continuous. Channel Overblur...I got some interesting results, but sometimes I get a 'Preview Timeout' and I have to close it. Lots of sliders and I fully don't know how to use all of them, but I can see me using this plugin. Thanks for the Fragment Blur! It seems to be identical to the PDN plugin and the addition of 'Color Space' drop-down menu just adds to it! I've gotten some images that I'm thinking 'how can I use this in my artwork?', I like it so much. Keep on doing what what you're doing @Reptillian I appreciate it! 🍩☕
  9. I wanted to use this in the SOTW comp (ReMake's Emboss+), but I just couldn't get it to look right at 500x200, so I'm posting here. It has a nice, 'glassy' look to it. Ode to Autumn Hope you enjoy it! 😁
  10. Congrats to @welshblue, @Pixey and @MJW! 💎 Your entries were superb. Beautiful detail in all. Thank you @Pixey for the hosting!
  11. The Poll is now open for ‘ReMake’s Emboss+’. It will be closed on Saturday, October 4th, 2019 – 7:00 pm (UK time) and 2:00 pm (EDT). World Clock. Thank you, everyone, for your beautiful entries. May the best win!
  12. Beautiful @Seerose! Your artwork always brings a smile to my face! 😊
  13. Thank you @xod for updating Align+! The code you posted brings very interesting results. Thank you for adapting it! A lot of things can be done with this.
  14. The theme this week is – "ReMake's Emboss+ " Chosen by ( @Pixey SOTW #208 winner) This week you're challenged to design and create a signature that uses ‘ReMake's Emboss+’. ReMake's plugin can be viewed here. The deadline for entries is 7:00 pm (UK time) 2:00 pm (EDT) on Saturday, September 28th, 2019. To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the World Time Competition Rules Max dimensions are 500 x 200. Please NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500 x 150, if it is too large do not try to use it as your regular signature. Please keep your signature family-friendly. Please keep to the theme that has been set. You may modify or replace your image until the deadline! Don’t violate copyright laws with found images; links to source images would be courteous. Your entry must be made using Paint.net; please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work. There are three entries per entrant allowed. Don’t add links to larger versions of your signature. Your entry should be voted on based on the size laid out in rule #1. Please keep larger versions of your work for your gallery. Signatures may be either horizontal or vertical. The winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition. Good luck all and thank you in advance for entering. Thanks to - chrisco97, Sozo, TheHowler, Nitenurse79, Chimay, DrewDale & Pixey for keeping this comp going in the past. Previous comps have included the following topics as listed Here compiled by MJW. This list will perhaps assist future winners with a theme. This thread is for posting your entries only. If you want to talk about any of the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread found here.
  15. Congratulations to the winners! 1st Place: is @Pixey with 5 votes 2nd Place: is @welshblue with 4 votes 3rd Place: is @Pixey, @lynxster4, @welshblue, @barbieq25 and @Seerose with 3 votes each Great entries from everyone! Thank you for participating!
  16. Lovely image @Pixey! Everything just looks so perfect down to the smallest detail! Wonderful work! I spent a good while perusing this with 'zoom'; great job!
  17. Me, either. Ha! 🤣 You learn something new everyday!
  18. Very impressive @Xhin! Keep up the great work! Original Trace With light coloring
  19. I'm running Beta 4.2.2 and am having no trouble with it. All effects are working and rendering. I can't comment about 4.2.1.
  20. @Xhin, your plugins are great! Getting some very good results. Thank you!
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