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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. Thank you @Vagabondi for nominating 'Three Tigers'. It was a surprise 'Christmas' present! ☺️ Thank you @Drydareelin for the nice words. I always enjoy your 'spacescapes'.
  2. Love that @Drydareelin! It has a cold and remote feeling to it...the iciness of space. Great capture! Merry Christmas to you and yours! πŸŽ„
  3. Thank you Vagabondi for your nice comment! And I did tell them...I have the whole week off! 😁 Thank you @Seerose And you do the same! πŸŽ„ Thank you @Pixey Merry Christmas to you and yours! πŸŽ„ Thank you @ReMake and @HyReZ! Merry Christmas to you all! πŸŽ„
  4. Congrats to everyone! Some beautiful pansies there! πŸ˜„ @Pixey...I just finished my entry, but I guess it's too late. 🀣 (too busy)
  5. Thanks Welshy! You kinda trailed off there...much appreciated! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
  6. The Poll is now open for β€˜Santa Claus’. It will be closed on Saturday, December 28th, 2019 – 7:00 pm (UK time) and 2:00 pm (EDT). World Clock. Thank you, everyone, for your beautiful entries. May the best win! Some awfully adorable entries this time! Good luck everyone! πŸŽ„ ☺️
  7. Here's my annual Christmas Wallpapers! Late posting this year...very busy at work. All pattern designs were done with @Xhin's Rectangular Inversion plugin except background on the confections. I played with this plugin for a week before I found a secret that enabled me to make 'snowflakes'. They are not perfect or symmetrical, but who cares! They're just so darn cute! Merry Christmas to All!! *Images are clickable for full-size download. Enjoy! πŸŽ„ πŸ€—
  8. @Vagabondi Your b/w art is just great! Some are very haunting. Love the flamingos with the little fishy. Your originality is astounding.
  9. @Maggie, I totally agree with Welshy. Sometimes less is more.
  10. Wonderful collection of 'Trees' @Vagabondi. 🌲 I especially like 'Flying Over'. You have such a gifted imagination.
  11. I would absolutely die of embarrassment if someone posted that kind of pic of me...πŸ˜’
  12. Beautiful Christmas rendering @Pixey! Love the coloring! Merry Christmas to you and your family! πŸ˜€
  13. @welshblue 😲 I hope that is not your son! 🀣 (just some poor fella passed out on his furniture?)
  14. Thank you @Vagabondi and @welshblue! Now, that's what I'm talking about!
  15. Lost a lot of detail when I resized my SOTW entry. Thought I'd share a bigger version. Santa's such a cutie...
  16. @Vagabondi I love every single one of these! Each one brought a smile to my face! 😊 You go, girl! It's nice to know that I formed my own company (don't quite remember that...) 😴
  17. Beautiful @LionsDragon! The gently falling snow seems in a way...so comforting. Merry Christmas to you and Todd and Mach Five! πŸŽ„
  18. Exactly! You're good @Pixey. Love the lettering!
  19. That text looks super-clean @welshblue! 😊 I just love text-effects!
  20. @Seerose...you're giving up too easily, dear. Calm down and take a breath. Everything will fall into place. πŸ€—
  21. Tim, you are too precious! I can always count on you to give me a good laugh...πŸ˜„
  22. Post away!.....laughing so hard I can hardly type....
  23. @Vagabondi I now have to make a 'list'. If I don't, I will forget to rep. 🀣
  24. Well, that's how I would do it. We are allowed to use clipart, but I think being original would be a nice thing...
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