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Everything posted by ShuckyDucky

  1. Since paint.net supports higher compression formats like heic/avif it would be nice if there were a way to batch save/convert files with it.
  2. Thanks, I guess i'll just wait for the Dwarf Horde plugin then, I just wanted a fast way to edit pictures with a caption.
  3. I know how to do the most basic arrows, but it looks like the line style is fixed, you can't use a paint brush or any other drawing tool for the line, its just a line and perhaps some strange windows 3.1 era pixel tile patterns. http://www.clker.com/cliparts/S/Q/d/C/3/n/arrow-left.svg http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/lightning-sketch-crayon-painted-flash-electricity-symbol-white-back-35322751.jpg Any way to do that kind of thing? Crayon or inky type arrows?
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