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Everything posted by bbX1138

  1. Trying Brush Factory out, and it's a shame it only lets you see a single layer - not very useful when you want to 'ink' over sketch lines or use layers to do colouring...
  2. Hi all, I'm trying to achieve a Fiona Staples (Saga, Archie) type look with my cartoon colouring, and one thing that it seems would help is the right shape of brush. I'm hoping to get something along the lines of what the guy in this video uses (around 3m26s): Would Brush Factory be the best plugin to use for this? I've looked at the user guide and stuff but I can't quite tell... Thanks!
  3. Great, thanks MJW, will take a look! (thread link for posterity: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31496-perspective-transformation/)
  4. Lovely, thank you both, will take a look! Yeah, I saw the post about not downloading from elsewhere, so I would have been leery anyway!
  5. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a simple function or plug in that will allow me to stretch a rectangle selection into whatever trapezoid I like. Specifically, I want to stretch the first shape in my example below into the second shape: (I have a flat bit of text that I want to place on the side of a box which is drawn at the angle of that second shape) I found a plug-in by ezenoid or someone that looked likely but it was hosted off-forum at a now-dead domain. I've seen Shape3D but I'm not convinced it will let me do this (and if so, certainly not easily!). Thanks all!
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