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  1. Refer to this thread. Plugins cannot change which pixels are selected.
  2. I'd use double quotes or write it as "in". Though I'm not familiar with inches. Also, there's no double prime symbol on my keyboard. @EER: Can't find it...
  3. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=30367 Brace yourselves. A bugfix is coming.
  4. Tried it myself, I can confirm the bug. For testing, make a black-white linear gradient. Select the magic wand tool, set selection mode to replace, set the tolerance to 50%, then click on a completely black area. Part of the gradient will be selected. Finalize the selection. Now, set the selection mode to subtract, set tolerance to 0%, then once again, click on the completely black area. Everything will be deselected. Without finalizing the selection, increase tolerance above 50%. Additional areas outside of the original selection will be selected, but nothing in the original selection itself. Edit: seems like the behavior of the subtract mode magic wand is the opposite of what it's supposed to do. Instead of dropping everything that is selected from the previous selection, it will keep everything that is selected but wasn't selected before. Edit 2: Even weirder: Before using the magic wand for the second time, use the ellipse selection tool in subtract mode, then switch back to the magic wand. It will work as intended.
  5. BoltBait's plugin pack has the Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical effects that can do the trick. Though it can be a bit funny if you use them multiple times on irregular selection shapes.
  6. You're welcome. Oh yeah, and welcome to the forums
  7. Have the image you want to overlay on its own layer then Layers menu > Rotate / Zoom (or Ctrl + Shift + Z)
  8. A few other notes: GIF images don't support full alpha channel transparency. In a GIF file, a pixel is either completely transparent or completely opaque. Don't use that format if you want an actual transparent gradient. Feel free to leave the color depth on auto. It will determine the best value to save the image with.
  9. If you're trying to use whole screenshots, then I'd recommend a different approach. Crop your image so only the significant parts are visible, then you can use it with no or very little resizing. You may need to use more images instead of one big, but I think the quality you can gain this way would make up for it.
  10. Now I actually wonder just how much I'll learn about my own plugin here...
  11. @Seerose: My pleasure May it serve you well! @sashwilko: Neat! It sure has potential, isn't it?
  12. I was playing around a bit in CodeLab when I got an idea for a plugin. Thus, Alphalizer was born. This effect plugin changes the image's alpha channel based on each pixel's original colors using the selected method. It's highly customizable and easy to use. The different calculation methods yield different results, select the one that fits best for your work. You can find it under Effects > Object. Here's a before-after: (Better quality) The technicals (for those interested): The plugin gets the new alpha value by converting the original color to black and white using the selected method. The calculated value is inverted (if set) and the original alpha will be used as a multiplier (if set). Then the value is re-scaled according to the min-max sliders before being applied to the image. The image, by default, will be set to a uniform color, and the only difference between pixels will be the alpha channel. Selecting "Retain original" as the used color will result in only the alpha channel being modified. Developed in CodeLab (Thanks, BoltBait!), refined in SharpDevelop, built in the command line (SD built version wasn't showing itself in the effects menu ). Constructive criticism, virtual pat on the back, usage examples, suggestions and bug / typo reports are welcome . (And before anyone asks, yes, the initial release is actually v2.0, as the original wasn't fit for public showing.) Alphalizer.zip
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