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Everything posted by PhantomDigits

  1. Ah, i see. You know, I'm ashamed to admit it but I forgot about keyboard shortcuts. I'd rather use the mouse wheel for zooming than for scrolling when zoomed in. I guess shortcuts will have to do. Thanks for the help. Chalk up adding a preview tool as a feature. XD
  2. I use the animation helper plugin (I believe that's what it's called) for animating the sprite sheets but it doesn't let you change anything while the window is open. I was talking more of a window like the layers and colors windows where you can just throw it off to the side and it'll show you the "actual size" view of the sprite while zoomed in on the workspace for editing.
  3. Gale has a preview window of the sprite at actual size that updates as you're editing so you don't have to constantly zoom in and out. Hoping I could find something similar.
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