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  1. Completely different! This plugin will allow you to keep the transparent pixels from the source canvas transparent. It will place a one pixel border around any pixel that is not transparent and you can change the color of the pixel from the GUI. Although I am only illustrating text, this will work with any shape
  2. I created a plugin that will toggle the alpha channel by taking 255 and subtracting the alpha channel value. It was originally designed so that I can quickly change the color of text and other transparent areas of the picture without having to redraw them. Text and lines are still anti-aliased except that the inner part is transparent. You can choose to ignore pixels that are already transparent and/or add a border next to the anti-aliasing. You can even change the color of the layer if you choose. I hope you enjoy this. The DLL and the source code is included in the ZIP file. Place the DLL in the effects folder. I've also attached a picture showing what the plugin does. Toggle Alpha Channel.zip
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