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Everything posted by Boggit

  1. Yep! That solved the problem. Brilliant. May I say that as a professional cartoonist I use Paint all the time. I also have other graphic software packages installed on my PC which I use when I have some more specialised requirement, but I find I keep coming back to Paint as it is so intuitive. It's a great piece of software and just right for the likes of me who needs a quick solution and doesn't have time or interest to cope with the likes of Photoshop. Great Work. Mitch
  2. I have just updated to version 4 and I find that the line drawing tool is acting strangely. When attempting to create a curved line by moving the handles, the on screen image becomes a jumbled mess of dots and it is difficult to see where the line is. Any idea how to get a clearer picture while moving things?
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