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Everything posted by Nai

  1. Oh ! I'm sorry to read that, Si Borg ! Get Well Soon !
  2. Congratulations, ReMake ! I like this plugin. It helps me in extracting images and so many purposes.
  3. Wow ! You made it better ! It even better than those photoshop-made ice cube. Can you share you tips in the thread, if you don't mind ?
  4. Can I translate this important article in my native language, for the usage in my future Paint.NET tutorial blog ? Thanks !
  5. I want to submit my entry...
  6. That Wow ! I'm agreeing with you that this plugin has many purposes
  7. Welcome. I think it's good for the plugin to stay the same.
  8. My goodness... I'm no longer have PS to make those live comparison.
  9. Thanks ! Updates will be available as soon as possible.
  10. Thank you for that suggestion. Can you show how to do that visually ?
  11. Safety Helmet : http://clipartbold.com/clipart-13139.html Warning Bench (?) : http://iconizer.net/en/search/No-license-filtering/0-128/1/construction
  12. Yup, it's something from Adobe PS. Anyway, I've tried to adapt high-key glow PS tutorial using white and grey options, and it's give almost similar results. :-)
  13. Thanks for the feedback, MJW ! It can be achieved by adjusting the transparency of the object, checked that transparency box and adjust the transparency around 185-183. However, we're still needing Step 6 & Step 7 to create the back face and the base of the ice cube. Because we need different level of brightness and darkness to create that effect.
  14. How about adding up highlights, midtone and shadow to the colour options ?
  15. This is the plugin I'm waiting for ! Here are what happened when I'd rather use color range to do Pleasantville Effects : ( Using Black & White Effect on selected area ) It's better than using magic wand alone. Look at what happened when I 'blew up' the picture to 200 % zoom : Still fine and no grotty colour gap/border which always happened when I used magic wand only. With this plugin, Paint.NET is able to do the things that Adobe PS does. Congratulations, ReMake !
  16. Maximilian, Helen, Pixey & toe_head2001, thank you so much !
  17. Hi ! After several years with Paint.NET, I want to start a blogsite about Paint.NET tutorial in my local language. Can anyone suggesting what kind of tutorials can I put there ? I'll be glad too, if anyone suggesting how I will arrange the categories for tutorials there. Meanwhile, if anyone interested to give me permission to use and translate the tutorials, just simply post it right here. Thank You !
  18. How To Make An Ice Cube Intro Anyone who have visited my gallery possibly will remember this picture : And now I'll open the secret of how to do an ice cube like you seen above. Just an ice cube. I have figured how to do that ice cube for two years, before I found a right, simple method to you to enjoy. At the end of this tutorial, you will get something like this : Now lets begin the tutorial ! Level : Intermediate to Advance level user Updates : These updates are based on MJW's suggestions and how I interpretating it. Plugins : 1. MKT's Shape 3-D 2. Pyrochild's Liquify 3. MichealVinther's Texturize 4. Boltbait's Bevel Selection 5. Red Ochre's Object Edge 6. Red Ochre's Clipwarp ( Old one also useful ) How to do it : 1. Start Paint.NET, duplicate background layer twice. And then open up Shape 3-D. Run Shape 3D on each layers. Here are the set-up for each layers : First Layer Second Layer Then, choose Adjustment>Invert Colors. Change layer properties : Third Layer Shape 3D Layer Properties : 2. At the first layer, select each one of the surface and bevel it with bevel selection : At the end you'll get something like this : Run Object Edge with this setting : 4. At second layer, run Object Edge with this setting : 4. At the third layer, run Object Edge with this setting : 5. Paste ice texture into a new layer. Put that new layer into the background. Copy that background into clipboard and then run clipwarp at ice cube layer. Run according to the settings suggested below : I use texture image from this site : http://pre12.deviantart.net/1605/th/pre/i/2012/039/c/b/ice_texture___2_by_agf81-d4p2kkm.jpg After finishing it, deactivate the background layer and set a background layer with gradient fill like you see in the picture below : 5. Duplicate the ice cube layer 2 times. Let the first one in Normal layer. While the other two in these settings : For not confusing yourself, you can rename those layers. 8. Create a new layer. Paint the layer with white colour as shown in this picture : Blur it with Gaussian Blur : 9. Back to the basic ice layer. Duplicate it. Texturize it using Texturize plugin. Use this settings : I used this texture and copy it to the clipboard before running Texturize plugin : http://orig08.deviantart.net/3cea/f/2012/005/0/8/ice_texture_by_digitalwideresource-d4ldqap.jpg But you can use other ice texture as well. Erase the unnecessary part until you get something you like. Merge that layer with the basic ice layer. 10. Run Liquify plugin. To copy how the real ice cube looked like, simply put the effect on deserved area. Repeat the same thing on other ice layers by using Ctrl+F and you're done ! Extra Tips : If you wish to have a magical blue light inside the ice cubes ( like those you see in Adobe PS Tutorial ), simply paint blue colour to a new layer and run a Gaussian Blur on it. Set the layer to Overlay with opacity 86. Here are where that layer is located : I use this colour settings to create that magical blue light effect : I think you can make it better than mine. All the best !
  19. Level : Intermediate to Advance User Plugin : 1. Null54's 8bf Filter 2. MV Wireworm ( A Photoshop Plugin ) Intro : There're several ways to restore damaged old picture using Paint.NET. In this tutorial I'll use a combination of MV Wireworm plugin ( just something like healing brush ) and clone stamp to get what do you seen in the after picture. About MV Wireworm and the great examples : http://vicanek.de/plugins/wireworm.htm How To Do It : 1. Open a picture ( Thanks Pixie for providing me this sample picture ! ) in Paint.NET. For this tutorial I cropped some of the area to make my work with clone stamp a lot easier. 2. Run 8bf filter, then choose MV Wireworm. A small window like this will popped out. Choose your selection area by clicking the area and bring your cursor as far as you can/want. 3. Click on the selected area and move your cursor until the selected area 'moving'. Move it until you find an area that matched/suitable. Do the things until you're done with all cracks or dots. Some good guides about this plugins : http://vicanek.de/plugins/wirewormtutorial.htm http://vicanek.de/plugins/colormatchingtutorial.htm 4. After healing all cracks and dots, use clone stamp to recover the disappearing area. Do it until you get the finish product like this : You can do it better than me. All The Best ! ( p/s : Pixey, I hope you'll love this post-restoration picture... )
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