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  1. The file size is to big to attach( 51,593,277 bytes). Oh well i will get on with the old file then. Thank you everyone for all the help. Thanks again. Clive.
  2. Ok so is there a way of making it happen or will i have to use the old template that fits.
  3. The file size is 20.4 MB. I thought it may be, but i was under the impression that was what the plug in changed.
  4. Hi. I have been using Paint.Net for a while, but i now need to use a file that is Psd. I have version 3.5.11 and the Psd plug in which i have put in the file/types folder. It still say's not enough memory to open file. The file i want to open is a car template foe the NR2003 gen6 mod Could it be that the file is just to bog, or do you think i maybe doing something wrong. Thank you for any help.
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