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Everything posted by gigocabrera

  1. Thank you Ego and David for the heads up. I definitely don't want any trouble with any lawyer. But I'm not doing anything that has not been done before. I have seen that Microsoft logo used in other sites in white (the way I want it) over a colored background. My problem is that I have not found that logo with a transparent background so I can use it. That's why I decided to learn how to use Paint.NET and try it out for myself. As for the suggestion Ego gave me, that works great. Thank you very much!
  2. Hi Ego Eram Reputo The attached image is the actual image. I need to convert the asp.net logo to white with a solid background. I tried Adjustments>Black and White and also Adjustments>Invert Colors but did not get the results I wanted. For a better logo with a transparent background you can visit http : / / thedigitaldesign.com/Content/images/dotNet-logo.png
  3. I am a newbie that just downloaded Paint.net a week ago. I am trying to convert a color logo from it's original design to a white log over a solid background, like the image attached. I need the solid background separate from the logo so I can change the color. I have tried several suggestions from other posts to no avail. My little brain can't figure this out. Can you help?
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