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Everything posted by NinthDesertDude

  1. 15) Get comfortable with transparency quick! 16) Magic wand tool is love, magic wand tool is life 17) Magic wand + gradient tool = shading for almost anything 18) Switch Gray to Alpha or Channel Operations plugin for drawings
  2. Very realistic asteroids. Also, they are enormously large and would probably collapse into a spherical shape, but critiques are beside the point.
  3. I wrote a visual answer for you below. Usually I don't bother with forum questions that pose tons of mini questions, but I was bored tonight. Click it to see the larger, more legible version since this is a thumbnail. I didn't address beveling (where?), didn't make the buttons 'pointy' and didn't do much with the marble picture, but I think you'd be able to figure out the rest after this. Good luck.
  4. Yep, that's the bug. I think snipping the selected region according to the physical canvas bounds is the solution. Then you don't have to worry about weird behavior. Rotating would probably also cause that issue in step 6.
  5. A reasonable moderator would probably warn or only temp-ban unless you're reviving these posts without reason, posting spam, etc. It's an issue with lots of forum software: people rely on the system putting recent things at the top of each category in the forum, and old things at the bottom. Forums that allow 'bumping' will automatically move posts with new activity to the top of this pile, which if done in large quantities will drive all new posts down to the bottom of the page (or even a page over), making it harder to use the forum and annoying users with new activity on long-dead posts. Some forums lock old posts after a period of inactivity or bump conditionally (the best solution imo), but for those that don't, moderators often apply harsh penalties to discourage this behavior as "necroing" posts a lot will ruin the forum user experience.
  6. Specs Paint.net version 4.0.19 running on Windows 10 64-bit Home edition Problem Normally, making a selection with e.g. the rectangular select tool will constrain the selected pixels to the actual canvas. That is, you can't make a selection that goes out-of-bounds of the canvas. However, if you make a selection and move the selection itself so it's partially out-of-bounds, those pixels are ignored when pixels within that selection are moved -- until the selected pixels are resized. This causes inconsistent behavior. Removing the selected region outside of the actual canvas when the user is done (step 3) should solve this problem. Steps to Reproduce 1) Open paint.net. 2) Make a large selection, then press M twice so you can manipulate the selection without affecting pixels. 4) Drag part of the selection out of bounds. 5) Press M so you're manipulating pixels again. 6) Drag the selection somewhere like the middle of the screen. 7) Resize the selected pixels. You should see the section that was off-screen suddenly appear as transparent pixels. Examples
  7. That kind of window behavior is a bug on your end rather than paint.net. The paint.net window is an instance or subclass of a Window object with its own lower-level logic handled by Microsoft. I think paint.net is written in mostly winforms, so maybe other applications written with winforms would have this display issue in your setup. I don't know what technology MS Paint is made with. I can tell you that it's not an issue with paint.net. I don't have much in the way of a remedy, but alt + space pulls up a small context menu in the top-left corner of the focused window, which allows you to max/minimize and change the size/location of window, or close it. If this doesn't always happen, maybe you can try that.
  8. Sure thing Rick. To be honest, I've known about it since early 2016, but I didn't post about it until just now. Like that other bug I submitted and said I knew about for three years . Hopefully I remember to post more often when I encounter these little inconsistencies.
  9. Specs Paint.net version 4.0.19 running on Windows 10 64-bit Home edition Problem Transparency of all pixels in paint.net's canvas is sometimes displayed at a higher opacity than the actual opacity of the image. This occurs intermittently at random when changing the zoom level, and no particular zoom percentage always displays this bug. If you take actions on the image, the transparency reverts to normal. Rectangle select refreshes the pixels under the rectangle you draw so those pixels display as normal. This leads me to believe this is a redrawing problem. Steps to Reproduce 1) Open paint.net. 2) Set the primary color to black at 121 alpha. That's what I tested at. 3) Use the fill bucket to fill the screen with that color. 4) Zoom in and out until the bug occurs. Though this bug occurs randomly, it does so at high frequency, so only a couple times zooming in and out should do it. You don't need to zoom to max or min. Examples
  10. Thanks welshblue. I drew this today in 5 hours. It's an exploding golem because why not.
  11. Good usability observation. I would instead say it should show more colors automatically when starting PDN if the user closed PDN with more colors showing. Alternatively, offer to have it open by default according to the settings, similar to how defaults are provided for all tools.
  12. It may be a good idea to use Google Translate because it's quite difficult to tell what you're saying sometimes. I'm assuming you're asking how to deal with the stippling effect of the original image, in which case I would use the Unfocus effect at radius 2.
  13. Brush Filter has been updated to fail safely on these plugins, except for the ones which hang. They tend to be "alpha mask" kind of plugins. A list of incompatible plugins were added from Eli's non-comprehensive list of plugins; you may find other incompatible plugins.
  14. @IRON67 Confirmed. I'll work on it. @Eli I was going to add a note that it will probably fail in the launch for people with many custom plugins. I have 16 custom plugins to test with. Can you zip your .dlls and send them to me so I can run further tests? You have so many I could probably kill the next 30 plugin-related errors with one stone if I could use them to test. Downloading each one separately would take too long. This is what not having testers looks like. I'm calling this a beta, as it is, while I work out initial errors. Once it runs stably for most users, I can release it as version 1.0.
  15. @IRON67 Indeed. Fixed. (Might want to wait half an hour because people say Google drive updates slowly, although I deleted the other upload.)
  16. This plugin is obsolete and deprecated in current versions of paint.net. It will not move forward. Dynamic Draw now does everything Brush Filter could do, and quite a lot better. At time of writing, the effects dropdown (which is most of what Brush Filter used to be good for) sits under the Special Settings tab in Dynamic Draw. If you're interested in history or you like rebuilding plugins for old versions of paint.net, here's the link on Github. Here's the plugin you actually want now
  17. The dialog was created from the effect in the using statement. I tried this anyway, but it didn't change anything. I've been rendering in a separate thread with Parallel.For() using 64x64 rectangles unless the EffectFlags request single threaded or calling render once, in which case I render on the same thread. Thanks for the help, though.
  18. This is The Bug Reportâ„¢ with your host, Josh. Tonight we've got a special report. And oh, it's special. I've known about this error for almost three years. So without further ado, I give you: Description The color picker does not switch to the previous tool when it is set to do so after switching layers. Steps to Reproduce 1. Start Paint.net 2. Create a new layer 3. Switch to the color picker 4. Use the "Switch to previous tool" option 5. Switch layers 6. Pick a color with the color picker
  19. I can't plunge through the Form and register a handler on every control. I've loaded this effect from a completely different assembly; I have no access to its source code. I depend on the effect API to work with it. The "confusion" is the only reason I found a working solution. So by a happy accident, the original problem was solved. Do you have thoughts on the three questions I posed?
  20. @toe_head2001 Ah, I didn't know about that event. It all works perfectly fine, except that I have to replicate the things that paint.net usually passes to effects in order for them to work, including Selection, EffectSourceSurface, and so on. //Creates and displays the dialog. using (var dlg = customEffect.CreateConfigDialog()) { dlg.Selection = new PdnRegion(Selection.GetRegionData()); dlg.EffectSourceSurface = Surface.CopyFromBitmap(bmpCurrentDrawing); dlg.ShowDialog(); } So now the issue becomes: how do I pass in Services? The dialog's services are null, as seen by the fact that any time I try to instantiate one of Pyrochild's dialogs, he tries to use services to search for updates, which crashes. If I call brush factory from brush filter, I also get that the static bitmap for brush factory's rendering is "in use" somehow; of course that never occurs in normal usage of the plugin. So now I have three other questions: 1. How do I instantiate Services or in some way get the dialog to use it? 2. Is there an explanation for why I'm hitting concurrency errors when calling other effects? I pay attention to the EffectFlags. 3. How can I shield my program from these exceptions? I tried registering at the AppDomain level; no luck since it's in another assembly.
  21. I've instantiated an effect from an assembly and displayed a dialog so the user can tweak the effect settings. I then stored the effect token and used it to render the effect later without re-displaying the dialog. The effect is of type Effect. The effect token is of type ConfigEffectToken. Therefore, the effect can't make use of properties. I would like to know if it's possible to render the effect whenever a control in the dialog is changed, or alternatively, when the corresponding effect token changes.
  22. @RMSTITANIC Please include all details of the question at once so we don't have to guess and be surprised
  23. I don't expect this to save any serious person's work, and you're not in trouble LionsDragon unless your entire image is a single pixel wide when you apply Frosted Glass to it, which is pointless. But, as I've proved, obscure corner cases can be hit and it's always good to report them.
  24. I perform rigorous tests on my plugins. This one is basically brush factory for filters. For that matter, AA's Assistant, 1px Expansion and Blend Seams also have that problem, but they're plugins
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