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Everything posted by mackenzieh

  1. I have the new version of PDN but when I call up the plugin browser to download and install it, I get this message: "Index was outside the bounds of the array." What does this message mean and will the plugin browser be updated.
  2. Oh. I guess I'll do it manually then.
  3. I can't load the chip and curved card xml files. Everytime I dowhen using Shape 3D, PDN crashes. I'm using the most recent version which is 4.0.9. Where exactly do the files go? The explanation given was vague.
  4. Thanks, ReMake. I will check that out.
  5. It's a nice tutorial, but I think it's hard to follow with out images.
  6. Actually, I did use the gradient bars. It's the gaussaian blur clamped width that I had moved up a bit. Thanks!
  7. MJW, that was my fault. I got your initials transposed when I wrote the post. Sorry about that.
  8. I think MJW's way is fast and it cuts down on the layers. PDN just seems to crash.
  9. Oh, okay. I will try the tutorial again and save my work often. I even tried it MJW's way and it still crashed.
  10. PDN crashes for me too when I try the tutorial. I use the most recent version of PDN. I tried the tutorial MJW's way and PDN still crashed. I have attached my crash report. pdncrash.6.zip
  11. I have tried this tutorial twice and twice PDN has crashed on me. It's never crashed on me before.
  12. Nice tutorial. I may try it out. Is it possible to convert it to a pdf format?
  13. Thank you Nai. I will give it a go soon and let you know how it turned out.
  14. Are you going to update your plugin pack? It hasn't been updated since June 2015.
  15. I have the original photo. I'll will attach it. Thanks.
  16. The photo I used was a black pug. I have attached the photo. Thanks, Mackenzie
  17. I tried attempting this tutorial and when it comes time for the fish eye effect with your settings, I get 2 dark lines on the image.
  18. I finally got around to doing the tutorial. Here's my attempt:
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