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Everything posted by Seerose

  1. @Rick Brewster! I have the same problem as @toe_head2001!
  2. @Maggie! Hello and welcome to forum. You're one of the experts, too. Because new beginners can't create advanced things.
  3. *Deleted my entry. It's my fault. I'm always so rash. Not read correctly. Between notepad and sticky note there are differences.
  4. Congratulations to all winners! @Pixey! Thank you for the hosting. 💮
  5. @Ego Eram Reputo! @Xhin! @bluebuiy! Thanks to all who do such good work.
  6. @butterfly8000! Good to see your work again. Thank you for sharing this with us!
  7. @Icegodes! 👍 Everything fits together super above all the colors. Thank you for sharing this with us!
  8. @TrevorOutlaw! A picture that makes me melt away ! Thank you for sharing your result!
  9. Dear @Pixey, @welshblue, and Dear @lynxster4! Thank you very much, everybody for your kind comments! I am so glad that you liked some pictures so much.
  10. @Xhin! Thank you so much. I am happy for your comments. Which is the most beautiful.?
  11. @Pixey! Can I create with background? Because; all tutorials with background made black.
  12. @Pixey! It's no big deal. I wrote this as a joke.
  13. Congratulations to @welshblue, @Pixey, @MJW, and @lynxster4! @Pixey! I think something's gone wrong with the prices.
  14. Dear @Pixey! 🌹 What you conjure again and again, great done. Thank you for sharing your result!
  15. @DiDeDoD! Welcome to the forum. Really well done! Thank you for sharing your result!
  16. @TrevorOutlaw! Thank you so much for the video.
  17. Dear @lynxster4! -----<<---<--@ To fall in love beautiful, compliment an absolutely fine presentation. Unfortunately, G'MIC doesn't work so well for me. Thank you for sharing your result!
  18. @Xhin! Thank you very much. *Original
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