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Everything posted by Pratyush

  1. If I correctly remember..... Once you have selected Shapes tool by O X 2, it's 'A'. 'A' is chord to select Shapes. i.e. Rectangle Shape A Rounded Rectangle A x 2 Ellipse Shape A x 3 Rhombus A x 4 Trapezoid A x 5 And so on...
  2. Thanks @toe_head2001 It worked, after running installer from the page, I could get .NET framework for 4.7.1 as option.
  3. When I start a project and device to choose a .NET version in latest visual studio, the latest .NET framework version I have is 4.6.2. Seems some trouble shooting is needed before I start.
  4. I wanted to move a project to outside Codelab in my IDE but got following error "The primary reference "PaintDotNet.Base" could not be resolved because it was built against the ".NETFramework,Version=v4.7" framework. This is a higher version than the currently targeted framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2". (MSB3274)"
  5. What you want is Polygonal lasso / selection tool . This has been asked a lot. It is planned but there is no ETA.
  6. Versions 1.1 value In Keep Color Option if the original image pixel were transparent like this Then Keep Color Options would turn transparent pixels in white color (i.e there were given some opacity while running effect). So new version checks that if Alpha is less than given threshold values. I used first sliders to ignore less opaque pixels. UI is changed, now both sliders will active for Keep Color and only first slider is active for Kill Color.
  7. Does that mean the new Blend Modes are in work for PDN v4?
  8. It's great that you have got that, I was going to recommend you compile the effect on Codelab itself as the code was present on desktop. Thanks @Pixey, and thank you very much @lynxster4 for complements.
  9. @Ego Eram Reputo Please update the description of this plugin, Now it can draw stripes in any direction not only vertical. Also this time author is @BoltBait with me.
  10. I don't understand what is happening here, I want declare a method and call it. How to make it work?
  11. Newest version has dark theme. I love to use that.
  12. @toe_head2001 I think that this is about plugin function. This plugin does doesn't affect RGB channels but only alpha of pixels. The alpha values are changed according to delta of a color. Since final alpha values are depended on that, he may have named like that way. I am also not sure about exact reason. EDIT: I think the idea of plugin is make transparency proportional to euclidean distance between color. So, final alpha is proportional to (some constant)*(Delta of color). Once final alpha is defined the way, we know that final = foreground*alpha + backgroud*(1 - alpha) where is alpha is between 0 and 1. after solving back for alpha we obtain: foreground = (final - background*(1-alpha)) / alpha.
  13. Maybe Jotaf can explain that, I was also wondering what that meant. That comment line is from original code so I let that be there.
  14. I am doing that. I have not still completed the post, edited over five times already. EDIT: Thanks for the insight on BGRA, I am changing slider values.
  15. @BoltBait I think this is first published plugin which is made with codelab v3.3 using feature for disabling UI. Thanks and Congratulations for all that work. .
  16. Hi All, This plugin is an improvement on Jotaf's Grim Color Reaper. I use this plugin a lot but wanted some improvements, suddenly I realized that the since I can code a little and I can use the skill (?) . As, Jotaf has mentioned in his post that it is opensource, so I made one mine on Codelab version 3.3. The enhancement it has that It lets you now to choose color through UI instead of going through selecting primary color. It also has an option for keeping color i.e. while Grim Color Reaper 'kills' a specific color, Kill Color Keeper has an option to preserve specific color while killing every other one. User Interface: UI is similar to Grim reaper. It has options for tolerance and cut off value. But as a significant improvement, that it has Color Wheel inside UI so you can pick up color as desired. Default is still Primary Color. There are two option for Keep color and Kill color. There are two sliders which are dedicated to these two functions. I could have made it work with same slider, but default value for kill Color always turned out to make whole image transparent for Keep Color Option. Also, there was a need of different slider description . So, I made two dedicated sliders for them with their own default value and own description. In version 1.1, there are two sliders: Function Kill Color has only one slider for it while Keep Color has two sliders dedicated to it. 1. Original Image: 2. Kill color white i.e. background. 3. Keep Color Blue i.e. for dresses here. (Please ignore mistakes in UI name & values, this screen print was taken before final DLL was built.) Versions 1.1 In Keep Color Option if the original image pixel were transparent like this Then Keep Color Options would turn transparent pixels in white color (i.e there were given some opacity while running effect). So new version checks that if Alpha is less than given threshold values. I used first sliders to ignore less opaque pixels. UI is changed, now both sliders will active for Keep Color and only first slider is active for Kill Color. Versions 1.2 Updated UI to select Color. Source Code: Kill Color Keeper.cs I personally call it 'Color keeper' but didn't wanted to leave word 'Kill', I choose one between these two candidates: "Keep Color Killer" and "Kill Color Keeper". I hope you all will find it useful. Download here: Download
  17. Thanks @toe_head2001. That's exactly what I needed. I was not sure so I simply copied 'Amount3 = 0' from UI on If else block, did my work. I was not sure what to use in switch case i.e. use "case first option, case 2nd option" or was it like "use case 1, case 2 or". Many thank.
  18. Hi @BoltBait, You should take some rest, Changes between Codelab 3.0 & 2.x is as drastic as between pdn 3.x and 4.0. I have a question how to use radio button from codelab. Also, can you help how to use radio button, when there are more and one options. This time I did it using if-else since it was only two option, but can you explain how more options can be included in coding.
  19. No, it's not possible. No, it's also not possible. You can find list of guidelines on what a plugin must not do here: Rules for Plugins
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