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Everything posted by DerAlexander

  1. Hello Pyrochild, the same problem happens to me with the smudge tool first (means: today), but - sorry for my false alarm ! - since the last restart of my WOS both plugins are working absolutely correct in every point and step. Means: "immediately" right after have pressed the okay-button. So I didn't find any small bug until now. Thank you once more fore sharing these powerful tools! Alexander
  2. Hello pyrochild, for the first try I made some simple stick-figures and curves (black at white at Paint.NET, Final Release Build 3.510.4297.28964 / Win7) and than I start the installed plugin "grid-warp". I've changed some settings (more grid-lines and points, horizontaly & verticaly) and deformed the grid a little bit. But after I had pressed the O.K-button the work "leaves" me (sorry, I don't know the right word here) without any effect. But I tried it once more with the option: Effects > repeat grid-warp. Finally that makes the work come true (or "really")! Please have a look at the topic "Grid Warp" #29 (at page 2; yoggysot and my answer, #30) too. I think yoggysot had a problem similar to mine (my one). ("The other ones I've not tested yet" means the other plug-ins of your Plug-in Pack) Alexander
  3. Yes, I know this problem too. Sometimes (mostly) the deformation doesn't work immediately, but immediatly I found the solution. What helps: Open the effekt-menu once more and "repeat grid-warp" - that makes the work becomes "reality".
  4. WOOOAW!!! the grid-warp-tool works even much better and faster than the grid-warp in PaintShopPro X5, better than „defpro“ and better than the grid-warp in „HSC Edit3“ (a very expensive plugin-bundle from humensoftware). This one is the best one! Thank you very much for creating this very powerful tool. It's really the fastest and most flexible grid-warp-tool I've ever seen! Next month I will donate. (Only a small bug is in it: If you press the okay-button it doesn't work immediately but first after „repeat grid-warp“ is done! But nevertheless a very great thing. The other ones I haven't tested yet) Alexander (from Germany)
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