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Everything posted by Ishi

  1. Impressive work. Soothing, cool and clean. Makes me thirsty. Makes me think of that juice I left to freeze at the freezer. Mind making a mini-tutorial on how to edit a custom brush and then use it to make that?
  2. While summer may be ages away for some of use here, I thought I should bring something to warm the weather. Here's my latest work. Its all PDN. The ocean was rendered using a Photoshop plugin called "Flood" that was used on PDN via the 8bf Filter which is a wonderful PDN plugin. I hope you like it and also look at my previous work shown on my above post. Thanks. EDIT: The sun kinda hurts the eyes LOL.
  3. I suggest you do a Google search on Photoshop's healing brush tool.
  4. You really like flowers Seerose. I do so as well because I'm fascinated by the art in nature with vivid colors. I do photography too but only with a low-range digital camera but I found a way to enhance those on PDN.
  5. I was impressed by the shiny metal things on this week's submissions and its not easy for me to vote. Gears and clocks were the norm in the theme but no one with robotic steam punk machines.
  6. Thanks again Djisves. I should try it because it seems to make cleaner edges without using AA's Assistant. That was a pretty straightforward example. I could even browse for an outside file to use as mask. Would be quite useful to create textures.
  7. Well thanks again Helen, Red Ochre and Seerose. @Helen. Much of it was an unplanned result. @Seerose, its not photo manipulation at all. Everything was drawn and rendered through PDN and wasn't taken from anywhere else, except the idea and style reference though. I was hoping it would be the first of its kind of PDN artwork to be posted anywhere or at least on this forum.
  8. Yes, that's true Helen. Its not a photo-manipulation. The buildings were all PDN as well. Everything here is PDN. I intend everything to be PDN to maximize the authenticity. All I have to do was draw one column of windows and somehow, duplicate them and tile them side by side, thus I got many identical windows, forming one building. The cylindrical part of the building was rendered by the Shape3D plugin. The ground was a rough Cloud rendering whose layer was flipped and sharpened. The sky and the smoke comprise of several layers of Clouds, Clouds Effects, gradients and Frosted glass effects. I did say I was working on some clouds and smoke so here it is. I intended it for SOTW but too lazy to create the machine things so I made this into a painting instead.
  9. So here's my newest addition to my collection. It looked like an oil painting. I was gonna use it for something else but too lazy to add more. Its also my first attempt on this kind of artwork on Paint.NET, its not perfect and yes, like all my other artworks posted here, its 100% PDN. Its a dark theme. Sorry if it causes unease for some people around here. Despite that, I hope you'll still like it.
  10. Well thank you Djisves. I did not know about the Paneling plugin and I don't use the Alpha Mask plugin as I do not fully understand how to use it yet.
  11. Thanks you so much for that. Such a marvelous plugin so we can use Photoshop's plugins. Great work.
  12. From what I can see, the map gets divided into these 12 surfing board shaped pieces. My radical solution would be: 1. Open your map on Paint.NET and make sure it takes the whole canvas. Rename this bottom Background layer as Map. 2. Create a new transparent layer on top. 3. Select this new transparent layer and manually draw the surfing board shape using the Line/Curve tool . Fill it with a solid color like black. Make sure that its width is 1/12 of the canvas size so you might have to resize it using the Move Selected Pixels tool . Its top and bottom tips must stretch the height of the canvas too. Move this shape at the very left end of your canvas. 4. Duplicate that layer and use the Move Selected Pixels tool again and just drag to the right and you'll see a duplicate of your shape was made. Make sure to align it with your original shape. You could use the arrow keys in your keyboard to move it slowly and precisely. Merge those 2 shape layers. Duplicate this layer again and drag to the right, you'll that you now have 4 shapes. Repeat the same procedure until you have 12 of these surf board shapes aligned across your canvas. 5. Merge all the layers that contain your surf board shapes but DO NOT merge them with your Map layer. 6.Using your magic wand, click your solid color shapes and you'll see that it selects all of them since they are stitched together. 7. Once you have an active selection, uncheck your shapes layer and click on your Map layer. 8.CTRL+I to invert the selection and press Delete on your keyboard. If things went right, you should have something like your example. 9. You may now delete your hidden shapes layer. However, you could copy this layer on a new separate .pdn file in case you might have to reuse it to trace a selection like that again. Create a new layer and fill it with white color. Move this layer at the bottom of your Map layer so it will have a white background instead of a checkerboard. 10. Merge the two layers and save as .png or .jpg.
  13. Yes, I should give it a try. Maybe creating something like your sig is a good starter for me. I was working on some artwork with clouds too. Its clouds and smoke actually and its turning out OK. I used a World War II painting as a reference. It used like 3 hours of my time just now.
  14. Maybe I should try the shiny things myself but I know your method takes a lot of steps. You're like a gradient and transparency overlay genius. Who would have though those were PDN? Very clean, almost vector graphics groove. Great stuff.
  15. I did not know what steam punk was until I did a Google search of it. But the moment I found out, I immediately though of the Gears plugin and apparently, Pixey has got that in mind as well. That's a very good summary there Huggles. Its a branch of science fiction that basically exaggerates the technology on the Victorian and Wild West eras but with a lot of style, elegance and class than the futuristic techno stuff that dominates much of the mainstream sci-fi world. I personally think its really really challenging.
  16. Can't see the attachment. You must have missed including it on the post. I personally believe that an earlier version of PDN which was v 3.5.10 was more stable in my experience.
  17. Marvelous works with those. Helen you must be the expert with shiny things. They look, as young people nowadays would put it, "adorbs". They look so polished and perfectly done. I couldn't do many shiny things and I get jealous over that. LOL...
  18. It was my first attempt with a nebula and I wish I could have given it more detail and more sharpness with those stars and gas clouds. It lacked something in my view. I do not think it was spectacular but thanks for the support Seerose.
  19. Its been such an honor to get that high up the ranks with this being my first ever entry to SOTW. Looking forward to the next theme. Cheers.
  20. Free Adobe products like that tend to install extra components that are not needed. There are other free alternatives to a PDF reader. I personally use Foxit but even with that I always choose the "Custom" settings when installing so that I can uncheck the installation of toolbars and other adware that usually come bundled with free software. I also use the free program called Revo Uninstaller to uninstall programs because it detects a lot orphaned components that it removes along with the program that its associated with. By default, even Windows 10 has got dodgy means of spying on you that you have to disable manually.
  21. Reminds me of the head of Master Chief from the game Halo.
  22. The Recolor tool seems to behave better in v.3.5.11 and below than 4.x versions of PDN. If the Recolor tool isn't good enough and only certain small bits of the image needs recoloring, I personally would just go the easy way by adding a new layer with either Multiply or Overlay as its blending mode, selecting my desired primary color in the palette and just paint over the parts that need recoloring with a soft brush and that's it. Job done.
  23. Agree, try removing the Adobe Reader program and delete that invalid shortcut from your Start Menu. You can then go to C:\Program Files\paint.net then right click the PaintDotNet.exe and Pin to Start. Alternately, you can choose Send to>>Desktop. That will create a new shortcut.
  24. I have made my latest addition to my spacescapes. Its my first attempt on creating a nebula that I can remember. Mind and memory getting sloppy a little bit at present, did this one on some sort of a rush job with experimental techniques. The tutorial that I found HERE was too complex and I'm too lazy to go through that so I made my own procedure. Its not spectacular but again it was a rush job. Hope you like it.
  25. Well you can use this plugin on Paint.NET so it can save your work to the .psd Photoshop format. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18128-photoshop-psd-file-plugin-newest-version-241/ You have to put the PhotoShop.dll into the C:\Program Files\paint.net\FileTypes directory. When saving your work, choose Save As and from the option of formats, you can choose .psd.
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