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Radial Colors (ymd:100726)


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Radial Colors Effect Plugin




What's this?

This effect is an (r)evolution of the Radial.cs provided with the CodeLab.

I took this example to test more the new possibilities offered by the version 3.20 of Paint.net, regarding 'user interface'.


I've also made the Rainbow Twist in the same way




How does it works?

The effect uses the predefined formulas based on sinusoid curves to define and mix the three basic color Red, Green, Blue.



Download the DLL

Plugin Radialcolors.dll

ar.pngHere is the DLLal.png



The MadJik's All plugins package is available !




How to install

Close Paint.net


Classic version of Paint.net

Unzip and (re)place the DLL in your Effect folder usually: C:/Program Files/Paint.NET/Effects


Microsoft Store version of Paint.net

Unzip and (re)place the DLL in your Effect folder usually: /My Documents/paint.net App Files/Effects/

You have to adapt for your language My Documents



The User interface

This plugin is added to the menu Effects, submenu Texture.


A scrollbar appears if the UI is too long for your screen :P

...X/Y Factor: quantity of periods on X/Y axis.

...Quantity of rays: quantity of rays you want around the circle.

...Angle: Start angle of the first ray.

...X/Y offset of the center: as it says...

...Formulas R/G/B: It is possible to choose between five different formulas per color:


...Amount of R/G/B: adjust the weight per color.

...Ratio: This ratio affects the overall period: 100=1 period.

...Limit level for the lines: When the formulas give a result below the limit, the value used for the color is the amount from the slider. This makes a cut in the colored gradients.

...Lines background: Off, change the alpha value instead the color if the formulas give a result below the limit level.


Some examples


Frequency illusion:










New (yma:170715):
-Always centered by default
-Increase the range of main sliders
-Small increment for the offset vector

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Just a sugestion, cause your plugin window is waaaay to tall, on the gui maker move half the height to the side, so that it would be a large window instead of a tall one...

other than that this plugin is very good... Nice work :mtdew::mtdew:

Again the same...

Nice work MadJik

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Sorry, but it's 100% made with the new feature provided with the version 3.20 of Paint.net...

A next version should bring the possibility to have multi columns...

For now you'll have to live with it!

(you should have a lift to scroll up/down the UI...)

It's fine for me, Santa "give" me a 22" LCD screen (in advance) I have 1680x1050px...

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