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Gradient Blur (ymd:100710)


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Gradient Blur Effect Plugin


What's this?

There is an effect for the gaussian blur...

There is a tool for the gradient...

This is a mix of both: the Gradient Blur!

I took the code of the gaussian blur from Paint.net source (vers. 3.10)

and I've added two radius to allow to keep an area un-blurred or gradually blurred.




Download it!

Plugin Gradient Blur.dll

:RightArrowBlue: Here is the DLL :LeftArrowBlue:


The MadJik's All plugins package is available !


How to install

Close Paint.net


Classic version of Paint.net

Unzip and (re)place the DLL in your Effect folder usually: C:/Program Files/Paint.NET/Effects


Microsoft Store version of Paint.net

Unzip and (re)place the DLL in your Effect folder usually: /My Documents/paint.net App Files/Effects/

You have to adapt for your language My Documents


The User interface

This plugin is added to the menu Effects, submenu Blur.



X,Y Offset:

...you could choose the center of the blurred area.

Blur amount:

...Level of blur you want to have

Unblurred distance:

...Distance (radius) from the center you want to keep unchanged.

Blurred distance:

...Distance (radius) from the center you want to blur.

Choose the shape of blur:

...Circle/Ellipse or

...Square/Rectangle or

...Horizontal or Vertical New!.

Distance mode:

...OFF:from the center, you'll have Circle or Square; On: you'll have Ellipse or Rectangle.

Show the guide lines:

...Check to see the lines for the both distances.

Invert the blur direction: New!

...Blur in the middle or around the image

The area between the both distances is gradually blurred creating some kind of halo.

If you set both distances amounts to zero, then you'll have a usual gaussian blur.


Some examples:

Model / Result :

gradientblur01.jpg  gradientblur02.jpg



Model / Result :

gradientblur11.jpg  gradientblur12.jpg


gradientblur21.jpg  gradientblur22.jpg

Edited by toe_head2001
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I don't exactly understand what this does, but I'll check it out I suppose.

It's a Gaussian Blur, but instead of a uniform blur as with other blurs, the intensity of the blur varies based on distance from the center.

MadJik, this is useful and all, but desperately needs a better UI. And options to choose the center of the effect.

Also, Blur amount -> Blur Amount

unBlured Radius -> Unblurred Radius

Blured Radius -> Blurred Radius


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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It's a Gaussian Blur, but instead of a uniform blur as with other blurs, the intensity of the blur varies based on distance from the center.

I think it would be even more useful if it did what you are describing...:P

Think about it like this:

Take an image, duplicate it. Gaussian Blur the top layer at 20px. Now use the regular Gradient tool in 'Transparency Mode' and draw a linear gradient across the image.

It doesn't actually get more/less blurry(blur radius) as it fades across; you just see more/less(opacity wise) of the blurred layer. The blur amount stays static.

If it gave you a direction/shape based graduation of blur radius, it would be awesome. If it had the same control as Rick's tool(or even BB's plugin), it would be A-mazing!


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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It's a Gaussian Blur, but instead of a uniform blur as with other blurs, the intensity of the blur varies based on distance from the center.

I think it would be even more useful if it did what you are describing...:P

Don't you get technical with me, boy!


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Thanks all of you for your comments.

I've fixed the wrong spelling...

The gradient tool is using some built-in functions that includes the differente 'shapes' for the gradient (linear, diamond, etc..)

I can't rewrite all these shapes for this plugin. But I could think about a square version from the center or a rectangle following the borders.



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It WOULD be cool. :-)

Although I have a feeling it would require a complete rewrite, and it would require a similar group of commands as Alpha Mask. (Image, save, load, etc.)


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Following the DOF topic here it is

I've worked with it and it's really good, I just wanted to make a suggestion: could the gradient come in various layouts like the :GradientTool: diamond, diagonal, horizontal, vertical, horizontal line, etc...

for DOF the horizontal centered line would be the best.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just been playing with this and I noticed that the centering system is based on the full image even if you only have a small area selected.

I did have a thought though but it's probably miles out. Couldn't this work by the user selecting the area to start the blur from and then blur from the edge of the selection outwards based upon the blur distance specified by the user?

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Just been playing with this and I noticed that the centering system is based on the full image even if you only have a small area selected.

That's the way it is working actually...or I miss your point. Try the two check boxes :distance mode & show guide lines to help you.

I did have a thought though but it's probably miles out. Couldn't this work by the user selecting the area to start the blur from and then blur from the edge of the selection outwards based upon the blur distance specified by the user?
I'm calculating the distance from the center to define the blur amount. It is then more 'natural' to me to set the distance from the center...The other way (from the edge) will be to difficult to implemant!
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