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Fractal Mandelbrot - Updated 09/15/2007


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Can you please make this plugin faster? Its a great plugin, and I use it a lot, but its just really, really slow.

It's bound to be a bit slow...it has to run a particular floating-point calculation for each rendered pixel...barring some unknown (and faster) optimization for calculating the value of a point in mandelbrot space, you can probably only go faster with a faster computer.

drakaan sig jan 2020.png

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Yah I am not sure if I can improve its performance yet, I haven't looked at that, but it does do a lot of iterations so its bound to be slow. When I have time I will take a look at that.

As for the pan, I can probably setup a pan box like zoom blur deluxe but I don't know about actually rendering a small image of it. But again when time allows.

Can you please make this plugin faster? Its a great plugin, and I use it a lot, but its just really, really slow.

It's bound to be a bit slow...it has to run a particular floating-point calculation for each rendered pixel...barring some unknown (and faster) optimization for calculating the value of a point in mandelbrot space, you can probably only go faster with a faster computer.

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NOTE: I did not write the mandelbrot function, the function is taken directly from the codelab sample. The function was converted from codelab to c#. Would like to do same for julia function sometime and perhaps follow up with other types. Julia function is a sample in codelab as well so that shouldn't be a problem to setup.

Can you do the same with warp.cs?

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  • 1 month later...

Completely unrelated to the sample script in codelab, I wrote this code myself.

It continuously color the image through as a gradient and it supports zooming up to 10^16.

The accuracy of the xpan/ypan is to 10^-14

Paste the code into code lab, and experience with the 4 values.

If you keep the values unchanged, and keep adding 0's to the Amount3, you will see a zooming sequence similar to the one in Wikipedia (and it goes to the maximum accuracy - about 10^16) which lands on an island.

I couldn't do any anti-alias to the image, so it might look a bit too sharp.

Example (I made a large image, resize it, and sharpen a little bit):


long Amount1=74657146173202;	//[-100000000000000, 100000000000000]Xpan
long Amount2=10498959565562;	//[-100000000000000, 100000000000000]Ypan
long Amount3=256;	//[50, 10000000000000000]Zoom
int max = 16384; //[0, 131702]Maximum iteration (Accuracy)
double mod = 256; //value doesn't matter, as long as the variable "mod" is declared

void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
   PdnRegion selectionRegion = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds);

   // Delete any of these lines you don't need
   Rectangle selection = this.EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt();

   long CenterX = (long)(((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left);
   long CenterY = (long)(((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top);
   ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor;
   ColorBgra SecondaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.SecondaryColor;
   int BrushWidth = (int)EnvironmentParameters.BrushWidth;

   ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
   for(int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
       for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
           if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(x, y))
               CurrentPixel = src[x,y];
               ColorBgra prevPix1;
               ColorBgra prevPix2;
               ColorBgra prevPix3;
               if (x > 1 && y > 1)
                   prevPix1 = dst[x-1,y];
                   prevPix2 = dst[x-1,y-1];
                   prevPix3 = dst[x, y-1];
                   prevPix1 = prevPix2 = prevPix3 = dst[x,y];
               double r = (double)(x - CenterX) / Amount3 + ((double)Amount1 / 100000000000000) * (-1);
               double i = (double)(y - CenterY) / Amount3 + ((double)Amount2 / 100000000000000) * (-1);
               double iter = (double)(mandelbrot(r, i));

               CurrentPixel.A = 255;
               CurrentPixel.R = (byte)(getR(iter));
               CurrentPixel.G = (byte)(getG(iter));
               CurrentPixel.B = (byte)(getB(iter));

               dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;
double modular(double iter)
   if (iter < 512)
       mod = 256;
       return iter % 256;
   else if (iter < 2048)
       mod = 512;
       return iter % 512;
   else if (iter < 8192)
       mod = 4096;
       return iter % 4096;
   else if (iter < 32768)
       mod = 16384;
       return iter % 16384;
       mod = 65536;
       return iter % 65536;
int getR(double iter)
   if (iter >= max)
       return 0;
   iter = modular(iter);
   if (iter < mod / 4)
       return 0;
   else if (iter < mod / 2)
       double prev = mod / 4;
       double newIter = iter - prev;

       int col = (int)(newIter * (255 / mod * 4));
       if (col >= 255)
           return 255;
           return col;
   else if (iter < mod / 8 * 5)
       return 255;
   else if (iter < mod)
       return (int)(-1 - (iter - mod / 8 * 5) * (255 / mod * (1 / ((double)3 / 8))));
   return 0;
int getG(double iter)
   if (iter >= max)
       return 0;
   iter = modular(iter);
   if (iter < mod / 8)
       return 0;
   else if (iter < mod / 8 * 3)
       return (int)((iter - mod / 8) * (255 / mod * 4));
   else if (iter < mod / 16 * 9)
       return 255;
   else if (iter < mod / 8 * 6)
       return (int)(-1 - (iter - mod / 16 * 9) / 2 * (255 / mod * 8));
   else if (iter < mod / 16 * 15)
       return (int)(-1 - (iter - mod / 16 * 15) * (255 / mod * (1 / ((double)12 / 16))));
   return 0;
int getB(double iter)
   if (iter >= max)
       return 0;
   iter = modular(iter);
   if (iter < mod / 4)
       return (int)((iter + 100) * (255 / (mod / 4 + 100)));
   else if (iter < mod / 2)
       return 255;
   else if (iter < mod / 16 * 9)
       return (int)(-1 - (iter - mod / 2) * (255 / mod * 16));
       return (int)((iter - mod / 16 * 9) / 2 * (255 / mod * (1 / ((double)7 / 16))));
   return 0;
int mandelbrot(double r, double i)
   double X = r;
   double Y = i;
   double X2 = X * X;
   double Y2 = Y * Y;
   int counter = 0;

   while ((X2 + Y2 < 4) && (counter <= max))
       Y = 2 * X * Y + i;
       X = X2 - Y2 + r;

       X2 = X * X;
       Y2 = Y * Y;


   return counter;



Some links: | Personal Website | Alien Attack |

Try out my plugins: | Antialias | Diagonal Lines |

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  • 8 months later...

I´ve got a Problem with this one cuz I downloaded the plugin but when I do it I just get the posibility to change the

-Factor 1-10

-Zoom 1,00-100,00



thats all I can change on the panel. I don´t even have the X and Y Off spring and that´s often with other tool too that I don´t have the same panel as shown in the tuts

does anyone know why ?

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  • 1 year later...

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