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[resolved] Can you run an existing effect from codelab?

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Ok, so say we're making an effect in CodeLab, and we want to start it off by running an existing effect. Like... Clouds! Everybody loves clouds. Is this possible? Or do we have to go old school and code it in VS?


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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I think what you mean is "Is there any scripting ability?", you cannot (AFAIK) type something like effectClouds() and Codelab will draw clouds for you, you'll have copy and paste the clouds code, say in a function, and call it in your Render() loop.

In short:

we have to go old school and code it in VS

Codelab use C# but I think you can create effects in any .NET language.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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Lots of information about how to do this is here:


thanks, but I already had it figured out. My mom kept yelling at me to go to bed, which is the only reason the new plugin isn't done yet....

ha! figured it out. not in codelab though... had to go with visual studio.

sooooo new plugin coming soon. =)


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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