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Shapes format


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Is it ok to add an XML declaration and a comment at the beginning of the xaml file?

It works (as expected) but maybe you do not like it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- Shape created with Paint.NET using Path.Effect plugin -->
<ps:SimpleGeometryShape xmlns="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.UI.Media;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework" xmlns:ps="clr-namespace:PaintDotNet.Shapes;assembly=PaintDotNet.Framework" DisplayName="cato" Geometry="
  M 153.7488,349.6848 C 153.7488,191.2485 334.6849,57.18705 334.6849,57.18705 L 391.8719,194.9985 450.934,55.31207 C 450.934,55.31207 598.1203,204.3734 590.6204,347.8098 583.1204,491.2462 153.7488,508.121 153.7488,349.6848 Z 
  M 228.7482,249.373 C 228.7482,168.7487 342.1848,294.3727 342.1848,294.3727 342.1848,294.3727 228.7482,329.9974 228.7482,249.373 Z 
  M 525.9334,257.8105 C 526.8709,198.7484 418.1217,293.4352 418.1217,293.4352 418.1217,293.4352 524.9959,316.8725 525.9334,257.8105 Z 
  M 251.248,248.4356 C 259.2734,242.7402 270.3962,244.629 276.0916,252.6543 281.787,260.6796 279.8982,271.8024 271.8729,277.4978 263.8475,283.1932 252.7247,281.3044 247.0293,273.2791 241.3339,265.2538 243.2227,254.131 251.248,248.4356 Z 
  M 504.371,260.6229 C 509.5487,267.8716 507.8698,277.9451 500.6211,283.1227 493.3724,288.3004 483.2989,286.6215 478.1213,279.3728 472.9436,272.1241 474.6225,262.0506 481.8712,256.873 489.1199,251.6954 499.1934,253.3742 504.371,260.6229 Z 
  M 342.1848,391.8719 L 437.8091,392.8094 C 437.8091,392.8094 419.9967,429.3716 390.9344,428.4341 361.8722,427.4967 342.1848,391.8719 342.1848,391.8719 Z 
  M 350.6223,328.1224 L 445.309,360.9347 
  M 355.3097,365.6221 L 423.7467,327.1849 
  M 356.2472,345.9348 L 429.3716,343.1223 
  M 226.8732,484.6837 C 226.8732,471.2341 252.5054,460.3089 284.0603,460.3089 315.6152,460.3089 341.2474,471.2341 341.2474,484.6837 341.2474,498.1334 315.6152,509.0585 284.0603,509.0585 252.5054,509.0585 226.8732,498.1334 226.8732,484.6837 Z 
  M 523.1209,480.9337 C 523.1209,466.4495 498.7494,454.684 468.7463,454.684 438.7433,454.684 414.3718,466.4495 414.3718,480.9337 414.3718,495.418 438.7433,507.1835 468.7463,507.1835 498.7494,507.1835 523.1209,495.418 523.1209,480.9337 Z 
  M 264.3729,484.6837 L 240.9356,502.4961 
  M 283.1228,489.3712 L 281.2478,509.996 
  M 301.8727,491.2462 L 318.7475,505.3086 
  M 455.6214,481.8712 L 429.3716,497.8086 
  M 465.9339,486.5587 L 467.8088,506.246 
  M 483.7462,482.8087 L 500.6211,500.6211 
" />

midoras signature.gif

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I don't know what you may have in mind for the future.

Maybe you are adding a filter which checks the xaml for basic primitives so that the shapes could be stored in paint.net User Files.

But because xaml is xml based the xml declaration is an advised option and xml comments may provide additional infos.

midoras signature.gif

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