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Animated Images


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Looks interesting, especially the support for transparency. I'll check it out when I get home.


Just to say, your plane sigs will shrink just by 100 to 200 bytes.

Gifsicle with best optimization is about 20KB.

Nowadays not so important if we are talking about gifs larger than 1MB.

Edited by midora

midoras signature.gif

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I tried it in PDN version 4.0.5 running Win 8.1 x64. I'm getting errors, no settings adjustments. It just shows a preview screen, a button for default, a button for more plugins like this, buttons for OK and cancel. That's all I get, no options for adjustments of any kind.

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I tried it in PDN version 4.0.5 running Win 8.1 x64. I'm getting errors, no settings adjustments. It just shows a preview screen, a button for default, a button for more plugins like this, buttons for OK and cancel. That's all I get, no options for adjustments of any kind.


That's absolute correct. All settings are controled via the layer titles (names). I hope you are not getting any exceptions and there is just a missunderstanding how the plugin gets its settings.


Let's say you like to set a duration of 3000ms seconds for the first frame and 100 for all following frames then

Open the 'Layer Properties' dialog of the bottom layer and add to the name "// 3000ms" or "// duration=3000".

Maybe you also like to add a comment then you may add instead "// 3000ms; comment=Created by racerx"

Don't add the double quotes.

Open the 'Layer Properties' dialog of the second layer and add to the name "// 100ms" or "duration=100".


Save will then read these values from the names and use them to create the frames.


If you open this saved agif (or any other) then the layer names will be created from the values in the file and you will see the durations and comments.


I agree there is a documentation with examples needed.


Here is a screen shot of the current version dialog:




For sure the 'Defaults' button has no meaning in this dialog and may be confusing. But there is nothing you can do against in a filetype plugin.

Edited by midora
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midoras signature.gif

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I see now. Is there a command to change colors to say 128 or 64? I tried "// color=128" , but that did nothing....


There will be a maxcolors setting (default 256) together with the color quantization feature. That's needed if you like to optimze your gif for size.


Thanks for pointing out that's important to make it more clear to the users that there are no settings in the dialog. As you may have seen, I updated the dialog already. That's the kind of feedback needed for developers.

midoras signature.gif

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The biggest problem I have right now is getting all my layers to confirm to 255 colors. I don't know of a way to globally do that in PDN. Some of my animations could have 300+ frames and it is a PIA to apply a filter to each layer one at a time. Maybe there is a way I've overlooked?


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The biggest problem I have right now is getting all my layers to confirm to 255 colors. I don't know of a way to globally do that in PDN. Some of my animations could have 300+ frames and it is a PIA to apply a filter to each layer one at a time. Maybe there is a way I've overlooked?


The missing color reduction is a no go.


As far as I know there is no Color Quantizer plugin. Will do one in the future.

Or TR may add something to TR's Color Reducer v1.0 to allow larger palettes (if we are asking nicely).


If someone is looking for a quantizer then check this page: Optimizing Color Quantization for ASP.NET Images

As far as I know this one is also used in paint.net.


Still there is nothing you can do and publish which works on multiple layers.

Edited by midora

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0.4 (14.3.2015)
- A basic quantization variant is working
- maxcolors=N; may be used to reduce the colors, default is 256; minimum is 8
- Added 'Animating in paint.net is easy.pdn' to demonstrate usage of background and foreground settings.



'Animating in paint.net is easy.pdn' in the zip has a background and froreground layer and the animated layers inbetween.

The GIF above has been created with maxcolors=32 (the original has around 1200 colors).

Edited by midora
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midoras signature.gif

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Thanks for the update, I like it!


Here is a quick Sig animation. Anyone that likes it is free to use it, I left some empty real-estate on the right for logo and such......... 



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The swinging effect is quite nice. I like it. Especially because the letters are swinging independently and the shadows are quite real. What's about to publich a version with a transparent background? So people could easier adapt it. I'm not sure if it works because gif has no alpha transparency. But maybe we could test this.


The tool will get some additional effect commands in the future. But for sure just simple ones like fading or moving.


It's too bad that we can not publish an effect which can access all layers. You always have to use reflection to implement an animation player tools effect.

Edited by midora

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Demo of some transition effects created with the ImAGIF.FileType plugin from a .pdn containig two layers using the transition settings in the layer names:


openclosed.gif    no transition


Push.gif     push (Layer1 name: // transition=push;)


  Cover-Uncover.gif   cover & uncover (L1 name: // transition=cover;   L2 name : // transition=uncover;)


wipein-and-wipeout.gif    wipein & wipeout


hor-at-2000-try-with-andrews-layers.gif    cover hor & uncover hor


http://www.comsquare.ch/files/downloads/ImAGIF.FileType/openclosed cover + uncover ver.gif     cover ver & uncover ver


http://www.comsquare.ch/files/downloads/ImAGIF.FileType/openclosed cover + uncover zoom.gif     cover zoom & uncover zoom


fade-3.gif     fade

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midoras signature.gif

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Very nice set of transitions Midora!  Thanks.

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Could you post the command you used to make that? I'm trying to replicate the effect.


// 50ms; transition=push,top


The reason for the first 50ms is that in the moment all transitions run for 1 second with 20fps (means 50ms per frame).


If you need a different speed then generate the gif, load it (which means you will get the flat variant with all frames), change the duration of the first frame to your needs and save it again.

midoras signature.gif

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I noticed your GIF encoder struggles with banding. I normally use the latest version of ffmpeg to encode animated GIF, it is much improved over previous versions for GIF animations. I'm posting a script I use in case you want to experiment and maybe somehow implement it into your plugin...



REM setlocal EnableExtensions

echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
set colors=256
set fps=24
set loop=0
for %%i in (%*) do (
REM set drive=%%~di
REM set pname=%%~pni
echo Generating color palette...
"%~dp0ffmpeg.exe" -i %1 -r %fps% -loop %loop% -vf palettegen=max_colors=%colors%:reserve_transparent=1:stats_mode=full "%%~di%%~pni-palette.png"
echo Generating GIF...
"%~dp0ffmpeg.exe" -i %1 -i "%%~di%%~pni-palette.png" -lavfi paletteuse=dither=bayer "%%~di%%~pni.gif"
del "%%~di%%~pni-palette.png"
echo DONE^^! Press ENTER to close window...


Also I tried to animate a bouncing ball with transitions, but gave up and did it manually instead.



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I noticed your GIF encoder struggles with banding. I normally use the latest version of ffmpeg to encode animated GIF, it is much improved over previous versions for GIF animations. I'm posting a script I use in case you want to experiment and maybe somehow implement it into your plugin...


For sure color quantization is not enough. What's missing in the next step which maps the pixels to the generated colortable is dithering. This will be in before we publish a version 1.0.



Also I tried to animate a bouncing ball with transitions, but gave up and did it manually instead.


The motivation of transitions is to easily create slideshows.


What you are looking for is something different. This may be something for a later version. Your bouncing ball combines two different effects. Moving along a path and stretching when the ball reaches the bottom. In the moment the plugin just supports you in the way that you can separate the ball from the background. So you can concentrate on the animation of the ball and then later set or exchange the background.

Edited by midora

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Can't wait to see the animated webp version. Hopefully there will be support for it...


Anyway here is a good one. It's a little heavy with 375 frames. I had to reduce it to 32 colors to get the size down....



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