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Resizing images without losing detail

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Whenever you make an image smaller, you're going to lose detail, I don't care what program you use.

Depending on the image type, you can choose several different options when resizing an image. Each type is for specific types of images. Just try them all out to see which one works best for you.

Resize this way:

Image > Resize

Choose your Resampling method.

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The bigger the image is the better it well look when resizing it to a smaller size. How ever when you resize something bigger it going to lose detail no matter what. This goes for all programs for image editing. Best thing to do is make your images big because then when you resize them to be smaller, they thend to still look good.

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(A 'tag' is the same thing as a 'sig' or 'signature' in case there was any misunderstaning)

His question is being misinterpreted. What he means, is when he places his render in to create a tag, he places it in, and grabs the the little circle resize buttons the the edge of the image and drags. When he is finished, the size is all distorted unless he had dragged it perfectly. Here is my recommendation for adding renders to a tag:

-Open your render.

-Depenging on your height/width of your tag, goto Image>Resize and change the height/width values. Make sure 'keep aspect ratio' is checked. When using a 320x100 template for my tag, I normally resize the width to 300, and let the aspect ratio take care of the height of the render.

-Select all by hitting Ctrl+A.

-Copy by hitting Ctrl+C.

-Goto your tag document, and hit Ctrl+V to paste in your render.

-When the prompt comes up asking you to resize your image, hit no.

And there you go, your renders should be inserted perfectly.

I did make a vid tutorial on this, so if you still can't get it, give me your e-mail and I will send you .AVI file.


^ Made with Paint.NET

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Raster images use pixels, which is what Paint.net is, it is a raster program, as is photoshop.

Now if you take an image that is vector, like adobe illustrator, you will lose ZERO detail at any level of resizing.

In vector artwork, adobe illustrator for example, you take your pen tool, make an anchor point, make another point and drag, that is basically making an equation for that line you just made, inbetween those two points. With that equation you will lose nothing, no matter how you resize it.

Take a vector program, drag in a nice sized circle from paint.net, anti aliased of course, and then make one in the vector program, and zoom in and look at the difference.

I have a really good example of this, but it is saved as a PSD, I will save it as a png and show you the difference, was resizing a logo for a community service project, and I used a rastered square while I used vector artwork for the main part of the logo.

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I have a three layer image.

Top layer is frame -- a square that looks like a painting frame 100 x 100 pixels. The inside of the frame is cut so that I can see below into the middle layer.

The middle layer is where i want to put new pitrues

The bottom layer is just white

I want to take larger images and paste them into the middle layer.

When I do so, without resizing the canvas the information that is greater than the 100 x100 pixel range is lost and when I resize it I only have the 100 x 100 pixel block.

If I paste it on the top layer is resizes with all infromation but as soon as I move it to the second position it crops all info outside of the canvas range.

How can I resize the image in the middle spot so I can see what my results are and then not loose the information outside of the canvas area???

Photoshop handles layers in this fashion...not sure if there is a way to do this in Paint.net

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Thanks Rick and Bolt for getting back to me so quickly. Rick, I'm very impressed with your develpment of paint.net but actually your product does not trim everything once it is outside the canvas.

In my previous example, if I copy and paste into a new layer a 300x300 pixel image into a multi-layer file and choose no to expand the canvas size to fit the pasted image, the pasted image by default will be the top image. Paint.net recognizes that the pasted image is larger than the canvas and I can move that pasted image left right up down wherever I want and not loose the image information that is outside the canvas.

However, if I were to move that layer to the second level it will then eliminate any picture information outside of the canvas. So paint.net can handle that task as top image but it fails to do so when moved to an interior layer or rather any layer that is not the top layer.

It would be great if paint.net could extend the same functionality that already exists a layer deep.

I don't know how hard that would be but it would be helpful for extablishing a set template (image size and border and then size another image between layers to update the template.

As you can see in the examples below:




That it would be helpful to size a picture between the orange "frame layer" and what is underneath it.

I hope you guys consider this part of your upcoming development.

And one other question, have you guys thought about becoming a comercial entitiy?

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