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Color Star

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Quick little codelab plugin: Color Star.

It creates a specified number of colors equidistant in hue, similar to placing a regular polygon star on the color wheel and picking colors at the points.

>> ColorStar.zip <<



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#region UICode
int    Amount1=7;     //[1,100]Number
double Amount2=2.0;   //[0,100]Angle
double Amount3=10;    //[0,50]Saturation Deviation
double Amount4=10;    //[0,50]Value Deviation
void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
   Rectangle selection = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt();
   int width = selection.Right - selection.Left;
   int numCols = Amount1;

   for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
       for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
           dst[x,y] = colors[(int)Math.Floor(numCols * (double)x/width)];
List<ColorBgra> _colors = new List<ColorBgra>();

internal struct Params { int a1; double a2; double a3; double a4;
   public Params(int p1, double p2, double p3, double p4)
   { a1 = p1; a2 = p2; a3 = p3; a4 = p4; }
   public override bool Equals(object obj)
       Params param = (Params)obj;
       return param.a1 == a1 && param.a2 == a2 &&
         param.a3 == a3 && param.a4 == a4;

Params lastParams;

List<ColorBgra> colors
       int numCols = Amount1;
       Params newParams = new Params(Amount1, Amount2, Amount3, Amount4);
       if (_colors.Count != numCols ||
           lastParams = newParams;
           double devSat = Amount3;
           double devVal = Amount4;
           double q = Amount2;
           _colors = new List<ColorBgra>(numCols);
           HsvColor primary = HsvColor.FromColor(EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor);
           double jump = q * 360 / numCols;
           double h = primary.Hue;
           double s = primary.Saturation;
           double v = primary.Value;
           Random r = new Random();
           for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
               _colors.Add(ColorBgra.FromColor(new HsvColor(
                               (int)((h += jump))%361,
                               clamp((int)((s + devSat * r.NextDouble())), 100),
                               clamp((int)((v + devVal * r.NextDouble())), 100)
       return _colors;

int clamp(int n, int max)
   if (n >= max) return max;
   if (n <= 0) return 0;
   return n;


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