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Gradient Plugin

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User bugman was asking about a different type of gradient... so I coded it up!

I also remember someone asking about gradients that had dithering built in. So, I included that.

Also, since I really love HSV gradients, I included that too!



Obviously it still needs a lot of polish to finish it. But, hopefully some people will find it useful even in its unfinished state.

Here is the CodeLab script:

// Author: BoltBait 
// Submenu: Render 
// Name: Gradients 
// Title: BoltBait's Gradient Test
// URL: http://www.BoltBait.com/pdn 
#region UICode
byte Amount1 = 0; // Method|RGB|HSV
byte Amount2 = 0; // Direction|Vertical|Horizontal
ColorBgra Amount3 = ColorBgra.FromBgr(0,0,0); // From
ColorBgra Amount4 = ColorBgra.FromBgr(255,255,255); // To
bool Amount5 = true; // [0,1] Dither

private byte Clamp2Byte(float fValue)
   if (fValue<0) return 0;
   if (fValue>255) return 255;
   return (byte)fValue;

private byte Clamp2100(float fValue)
   if (fValue<0) return 0;
   if (fValue>100) return 100;
   return (byte)fValue;

public int Clamp2360(float MyAngle)
   // Makes sure that 0.0 <= MyAngle < 360.0
   if (MyAngle >= 360.0)
       MyAngle -= (float)(Math.Floor((double)MyAngle / 360.0) * 360.0);
   if (MyAngle < 0.0)
       MyAngle += (float)360.0;
   return (int)MyAngle;

Random R = new Random();

void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
   Rectangle selection = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt();
   float v1,v2,v3;
   float f1,f2,f3;
   float t1,t2,t3;
   float d1,d2,d3;
   float maxd, d, a;
   HsvColor hsv;

   // Calculate the maximum size of the fade
   if (Amount2==0)
       maxd = selection.Bottom - selection.Top;
       maxd = selection.Right - selection.Left;

   // Select the starting and ending color of the fade
   if (Amount1==0)  // RGB
       f1 = Amount3.R;
       f2 = Amount3.G;
       f3 = Amount3.B;
       t1 = Amount4.R;
       t2 = Amount4.G;
       t3 = Amount4.B;
   else  // HSV
       hsv = HsvColor.FromColor(Amount3.ToColor());
       f1 = hsv.Hue;
       f2 = hsv.Saturation;
       f3 = hsv.Value;
       hsv = HsvColor.FromColor(Amount4.ToColor());
       t1 = hsv.Hue;
       t2 = hsv.Saturation;
       t3 = hsv.Value;
       // is the shortest path crossing the 0 barrier?
       if (Math.Abs(f1 - t1) > (360-Math.Max(f1,t1)+Math.Min(f1,t1)))
           // wrap ending color
           if (f1 > t1)
               t1 += 360;
               t1 = -360 + t1;

   ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
   for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
       for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
           CurrentPixel = src[x,y];
           // dithering?
           int adj = 0;
           if (Amount5)
               adj = R.Next(-1,2);
           // calculate current pixel distance
           if (Amount2==0) // Vertical
               d = (180 * (((y+adj)+adj) - selection.Top)) / maxd;
           else    // Horizontal
               d = (180 * (((x+adj)+adj) - selection.Left)) / maxd;
           // calculate percentage of adjustment
           a = (float)(Math.Cos(d * (Math.PI/180)) + 1) / 2;
           // calculate adjustment from first color
           d1 = (t1 - f1) * a;
           d2 = (t2 - f2) * a;
           d3 = (t3 - f3) * a;
           // calculate current color
           v1 = f1 + d1;
           v2 = f2 + d2;
           v3 = f3 + d3;
           // recombine into a color
           if (Amount1 == 0)
               CurrentPixel.R = Clamp2Byte(v1);
               CurrentPixel.G = Clamp2Byte(v2);
               CurrentPixel.B = Clamp2Byte(v3);
               hsv = new HsvColor(Clamp2360(v1),Clamp2100(v2),(int)v3);
               CurrentPixel = ColorBgra.FromColor(hsv.ToColor());
           // make opaque
           CurrentPixel.A = (byte)255;
           // show it
           dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;

I think the from and to colors may be switched. Sorry about that. ;)

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Ha Ha - beat me to it!

I was revamping one I started ages ago, but didn't finish.

It's got a working angle slider and an ellipse/squirkle option ! - but still work in progress .

Oh well!

( I can PM you my source if you're interested in incorperating the angle in yours) :smile:


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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@Boltbait: Why are you still inisisting on rolling your own Clamp2Byte function? Rick hasn't moved the current one for ages :lol:

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Not quite. You were referred to the Gradient Tool :GradientTool: This tool does the functions you were requesting - no plugin required.

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