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Glowing Sphere/Orb


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Plugin Pack used: Pyrochild's. Not sure which I used are plugins, sorry.

Here is the goal:


Plugins required:

Color Distort




Outline Object

1) Open up a blank canvas at 800x600.

2) Click on effects>distort>color distort.

Run at these specifications:


3) Run gravity at these settings:


4) Run shape 3D. Don't change anything besides the shape. Set it to a sphere at the half sphere repeat setting.

Effects > blur > smooth

5) Now, duplicate the layer and set it to negation.

6) Merge the layer down.

7) Duplicate the layer and set it to multiply.

8)Twist the sphere layer at these settings:


9) Now adjustments > black and white.

10) Duplicate the layer.

11) Use color balance, color balance plus, or even curves, to make the sphere a nice cyan color.

Top layer should be a lighter color, the bottom layer a darker color.

12) Set the top layer's blend mode to additive. Merge layer down.

13) Duplicate the layer.

14) On the lower layer, run effects > blur > gaussian blur at 60.

15) On the upper layer, effects > photo > glow at these settings:


16) Duplicate the layer and set the top one to multiply. Merge it down.

17) Now, on a NEW LAYER, use the text tool and write your name in a color similar to the color you set the circle to. Put it in the darker part of the circle. The font I used is Segoe UI Light.

18) Use the rectangle select tool, and drag around it & then use the "Move selected pixels" tool. Right click the box to rotate the text.

19) Effects > Object > Outline Object (the one that has the logo that doesn't look like a Chinese letter) at the following settings (but the color that you used for your text):


20) Now, set a black background and save. Your done!

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The hardest part of ending is starting again. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I tried it.

Numbering the steps would have been helpful ;)

It is not clear which layer Twist should be applied to, and if it should be merged down after Twist.

I also had a problem with this line: "Use a color editor to make it a color you fancy." Not exactly step-by-step is it? How about setting the colors at the beginning of the tutorial?

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I tried it.

Numbering the steps would have been helpful ;)

It is not clear which layer Twist should be applied to, and if it should be merged down after Twist.

I also had a problem with this line: "Use a color editor to make it a color you fancy." Not exactly step-by-step is it? How about setting the colors at the beginning of the tutorial?

Okay. I'll work at it. I'm a bit sick today, though, so I think I'll wait (so I don't mess anything up).

Can I see your final product?

The hardest part of ending is starting again. 

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I didn't save it because I didn't like the colours. I'll try it again after you rework the tut - with step numbers boltbait.big_smile.png

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Shape3D. Its a plugin that wraps your image around a '3D' shape - lots of fun!

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Smooth. Part of Toli's plugin package.

I'll add the links to the tutorial.

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I didn't save it because I didn't like the colours. I'll try it again after you rework the tut - with step numbers boltbait.big_smile.png


And also, thanks for adding the links into the tutorial.

Edited by AGJM

The hardest part of ending is starting again. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Great tut! However, I think you left some steps out like the merging in between some of the steps. Here's what I did to get the result:

7) Duplicate the layer and set it to multiply.

Before the next step, I merged the layers together.

8)Twist the sphere layer at these settings:

14) On the lower layer, run effects > blur > gaussian blur at 60.

15) On the upper layer, effects > photo > glow at these settings:

Before the next step, I merged the layers together.

16) Duplicate the layer and set the top one to multiply. Merge it down.

For the text I did fire text tut with pinks. ;)

And I got this:


Edited by Burngirl
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I just became familiar with effects and plugins recently (after 3 months of using this program XD )

although I'm confused, I followed the steps (excluding the ones that I had to write my name) and experimented different colors, I can't seem to get mine to look like yours. I cant get it to have some black parts on the orb and I'm stuck with some marble with various textures.

What do I do?

Edited by penguin dolphin



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I just became familiar with effects and plugins recently (after 3 months of using this program XD )

although I'm confused, I followed the steps (excluding the ones that I had to write my name) and experimented different colors, I can't seem to get mine to look like yours. I cant get it to have some black parts on the orb and I'm stuck with some marble with various textures.

What do I do?

Try to play around with the 'curves' adjustment ^^ (Especially with the luminosity)


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