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Synthetic Shading


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To begin, this is a tutorial on how to add lighting effects to your text in a few simple steps with a minimal number of plugins. With a small amount of practice, you should be able to add simple shading to any text within 5 minutes.

With that out of the way, here is what we will be creating:




Procedures (starting with any background image):

1. Add a new layer named "base text" and add text of your choice. Make sure the text is at least size 48. As usual, the bigger it is, the better the results. You can always shrink it back down later. If you plan on using a texture on the text, Pick a color similar to the texture color and wait till the end to add the texture.

Note: if the text has some extremely thin portions, duplicate the layer and merge the two again.

2. (Optional) Duplicate the text layer (name the new layer "bg glow") and Gaussian blur at 40-70 pixels depending on the text size. This will make the shadow show up better on darker backgrounds. If your text is darker than the background, this step may be counter-productive.

3. Duplicate the text layer and name the new layer "shadow." Make sure this layer is on top (above "bg glow" if you did that step)

4. Go to Adjustments:Brightness/Contrast and set the brightness to -100 and contrast to -100. Repeat with contrast set to 100. You should now have a completely black version of your original text.


5. Gaussian blur the black text anywhere between 5-15 pixels, again depending on the size of your text.

6. Move the blurred text to the desired position, making sure at least half of it overlaps the base text.


7. Adjust the opacity of the shadow layer as desired. I would recommend a minimum of 100 and max at 220.


You have now completed the basic steps for some quick shaded text. The next few steps are some finishing touches to make the shading more believable. You will need to get the "True Blur" plugin for this part.

8. Duplicate the base text layer again and name the new layer "shading adjustment," then move it to the top (above "shadow").

9. Repeat Gaussian blur on the new layer, then run True Blur with "Tileable" checked. Repeat True Blur.

10. Lower the opacity of the layer. I liked mine at 40, but play around with it to get the best results.


Done! Share your results!

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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@adel thanks, and nice work on your text!

@Netbook lol :lol: I try to stay away from that plugin because it makes a pixelated edge I then have to fix and it doesn't work too well on text with varying thickness. It also doesn't automatically add a drop shadow behind the text that matches the text shading...

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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  • 5 months later...

This actually caught my eye because I was looking for cool text effects to try to make a logo for my new guild in World of Warcraft, who's name happens to be Synthetic. I gave it a couple of shots, just trying out to see if I was capable at following directions, and your tutorial was very well written and easy to follow! This is what I came out with:

First Try:


Second Try:EmilyJustine.jpg

With a bit of practice, I think these basics will come in super handy! Thanks so much!

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