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Polished Ceramics / Colored Glass Text Effect


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Astounded by the lack of cool text effect tutorials, I set out to make one myself.

Today I shall instruct you on how to make some text that looks like this:


Pretty cool, right?

Plug-ins necessary to complete this tutorial:

AA's Assistant (dpy) - dpy's pack

Bevel Selection (BoltBait) - BB's pack

Trail (pyrochild) - pyro's pack

Alpha Mask Import (illnab1024) - [link]

Align Object (moc426) - [link]

Additional resources:

fontsquirrel, dafont (font sites - all free-of-charge and virus-free - tested)

Step one: Open a 500x150 canvas (no need to worry about anti-aliasing).

Step two: Add a new layer, name it TextMask.

Step three: Choose a font (preferably serif) and type up some text. By the way, I used Garamond Bold for this. If you are wondering, in the 'csm725' image, I put the numbers at a smaller size so that they would be as tall as the letters. Just letting you know.


Step four: Align to the Middle Center using Align Object.

Step five: Make a new layer between Background and TextMask, call it TextColor.

Step six: Select an area that covers up one letter, like so:


Step seven: Fill each letter-selection with a different color, make sure that the colors don't clash:


Step eight: Invert the colors of the TextMask layer so it is white. Make a new layer under it and fill it with black. Merge TextMask onto the black layer, select all, and copy. You can then delete the layer:


Step nine: Load Alpha Mask with the following settings (onto the TextColor layer):


Step ten: Duplicate the TextColor layer and name the bottom one text shine.

Step eleven: Open up trail at the following settings:


Step twelve: Apply AA's Assistant at default settings to both the TextColor and TextShine layers.

Step thirteen: Magic Wand at 31% tolerance, shift-select any transparent area on the TextShine layer, invert selection. You should have all the text selected.

Step fourteen: Bevel Selection at the following settings:


Step fifteen: Adjustments > Curves (Ctrl-Shift-M) at the following approx. settings:


Step sixteen: Repeat AA's Assistant on the TextShine layer.

Step seventeen: Set TextColor's opacity to 63:


Step eighteen: Merge TextColor onto TextShine. You should now have two layers.

Step nineteen: Duplicate TextShine and Layers > Flip Vertical.

Step twenty: Drag the flipped duplicate and drag it until the 'top' of the flipped letters meet with the bottom of the actual layers.


Step twenty-one: Do a transparent gradient (linear) like so:


Step twenty-two: Make a new layer above everything, call it Glints.

Step twenty-three: Go to the brush tool with white and draw some dots on the letters, this is where your glint-spots are going to be.

Step twenty-four: Gaussian Blur these spots at 3-10, depending on your taste. It should look something like this:


Step twenty-five: Delete the background layer, flatten, and save.







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Rubrica: "The end result is very god" - Typo? :D Thanks.

Frontcannon: Yes, something like polished ceramics. I would try any medium-thick serif font. Any serif font which is originally quite thin should work if you put it in BOLD (Times New Roman, Cambria, Georgia, etc.)

By the way, I used Garamond Bold for this. If you are wondering, I put the numbers at a smaller size so that they would be as tall as the letters. Just letting you know.

Edited by csm725
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Great tutorial csm. Nice and colourful that`s for sure. :)

Just one thing that might make things a bit easier - on step 13 instead of adjusting the tolerance of the magic wand just switch the the Flood Mode from Contiguous to Global and all the text will be picked out in one click of the mouse. ;)

Here is mine. I used Georgia with the bold setting.




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To answer your questions csm -

a - I lowered the opacity using the layer properties

b - looking again at the results of yours and other peoples text I thought the same thing, bevel at slightly higher setting. Never kept the file though so I`d have to start from scratch again.



Please feel free to visit my Gallery on PDNFans

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Definitely deserved the pin!

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting as in...

I find that using alpha-displacement gives a more glassy appearance. Thanks to xmario's glass orb tutorial, I had been using Gaussian blur to make the transparent not completely uniform, yet giving it the appearance of transparency. Median was used once, and the white highlight were elliptical then deleted with the text selected, and blurred around 50 pixels, much better than using the transparent gradients.

Edited by Lance McKnight

Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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