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Competition Ideas


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Can competition hosts have our own subforum? I think it'd be good for us, plus I think we should work on making a nice set of universal competition rules and formats.

Mike, I realy don't know much about a skinning comp, do you have any info about it? Would this also include things like media players?

You don't actually skin anything, but you create mockups in Paint.NET. Check some of the older competitions Simon linked to in the Archives for an example of what I mean


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Hey contest hosters! We've got mod powers over each other's threads. I don't want this feature removed, but hosters shouldn't abuse this, either!

I will not abuse this feature either. I will only mess with someone else's thread when asked by THEM.

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Can competition hosts have our own subforum? I think it'd be good for us, plus I think we should work on making a nice set of universal competition rules and formats.

You don't actually skin anything, but you create mockups in Paint.NET. Check some of the older competitions Simon linked to in the Archives for an example of what I mean

To give you an idea: link

Sorry but that took me to a domain that is for sale. It says, Welcome to aatwo.com. And yes, I think I know what you mean in that you don't actually skin something as in creating an actual workable interface but a mock-up. So this would be like THIS in the Pictorium?


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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I don't really see the point of that beyond following existing rules. :/

Private discussion of general rulings, better overall organization, and to ask other hosts to take over for you on leave of absence. Some of this can be done over PM, but I think it'd be a bit more professional to do it over a board.

Edit: @Possum: Yes, that is a perfect example.


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Private discussion of general rulings, better overall organization, and to ask other hosts to take over for you on leave of absence. Some of this can be done over PM, but I think it'd be a bit more professional to do it over a board.

Edit: @Possum: Yes, that is a perfect example.

When you say a sub-forum, do you mean like a moderator forum that only the mods/admins can see? I had a section on my last forum where we could discuss issues off the main forum. On my new forum we do not have one because there are so few members and only three mods/admins. But if allowed, I think it might be a good idea. That way someone who is going to be on vacation or has an unexpected emergency can hand over their comp to someone else in their absence and then resume control once they are back. The comp would continue as usual, with no interruptions. If done via PM, we will have to have something akin to a routing list (sorry, the exact word escapes me at the moment) to send a PM to all hosts, then acknowledge someone who will take over.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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I think so (aka mod lounge)


Yes (a mod lounge) and No, it's in MS Outlook when you set up a list of people who you need to send the same email or meeting invite to. Sorry, it was a very very long week. The routing list is what we attach to a document that needs to be dispersed to various departments for assignments or approval. I am crossing synapses at this moment and cannot find the correct word. The proverbial "tip of the tongue" syndrome.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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I'm in favor of Mod Host Lounge over mailing lists. But that is just my personal opinion...

I agree, but would be willing to work with either. Thanks for your help and input.

EDIT: misspelled words ? Man, I'm tired.

Edited by Possum Roadkill

SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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I would love to host any available competition. Please!?

Maybe we could do a 'realistic of the week' competition?

EDIT - Or we could to a 'current piece of the week - a piece modeled after current news.

also, 'avatar of the week'.

any ones you like?

Edited by csm725
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Realistic of the Week. I like that idea. It would be fun!

That is the same as Monkey Face's suggestion. 3D/realistic. It's not up to me, I am just a humble WOTW host. I thought you were hosting the Sig Battle anyway aren't you?


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Oh yeah, forgot Monkey Face's idea.

And yes I am, I am running Sig Battles and Texture of the Week. I was saying if CSM725 did it, I would more than likely participate. I forgot about the other one 0(-_-)0 mentoined!

Edited by chrisco97
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I would love to host any available competition. Please!?

Maybe we could do a 'realistic of the week' competition?

EDIT - Or we could to a 'current piece of the week - a piece modeled after current news.

also, 'avatar of the week'.

any ones you like?

I like avatar of the week.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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