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Turning 'Grass' into 'Lush Grass'. E-Z Tutorial. IMG Heavy.


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Making 'Grass' into 'Lush Grass' By ChrisPperson of Paint.NET

Difficulty Level:


Plugins Needed:


Other Needed Things:

A picture with grass, and having sky in the picture may be nice to get a cool effect.





Step One: :MagicWandTool: Use the Magic Wand tool to select the sky area of the picture. I set my tolerance level to the following to select the whole sky in the picture (This part is incredibly important! Do not mess this up!)


And then selected the sky so that it would look like this:


Step Two: :GaussianBlur: Next, use the Gaussian Blur filter on the selected sky area. The radius of the Gaussian Blur should be "145". This creates a very nice effect in the sky for later. Here is what it should look like (But do NOT deselect the sky! I just deselected it so you could see the full effect!):


Step Three: :InvertSelection: After that, you will invert your selection, and select the grassy area. While doing this, you will then use the :BrightnessContrast: Brightness/Contrast effect. The settings will be adjusted to Brightness at -45, and Contrast at 0. This will make it very lush, but also very dark, which is what we will be fixing in just a minute.


Step Four: :Glow: You will then apply a glow to the selected area. The properties should be Radius at 1, Brightness at -45, and Contrast at -15. This will make the previously 'Dry' grass now feel moist and lush! Here is a picture of my finished product (And the best part is- I have tried this 5 times and they all look exactly the same!)


Explanation of Gaussian Blur on the sky: It was supposed to make a 'It has rained' kind of feel to the picture (If you don't see it, then you should notice it a little if you look real closely). That way, your field will look and feel like a moist, lush, grassy area! Also, if you think that the outcome is too blurry, just sharpen it, or use any other method to un-blur it. I hope you liked the tutorial, it was really simple :)

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You have to admit that the plugin made a much better job of the sky, and it's much faster. I think you'll have a more realistic outcome if you tone down the 'grass' when using the plugin.

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