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Creating Water Text in 10 easy steps.

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Plugins Needed:


Drop Shadow

Outline Selection

Hi. On this tutorial, I will show you how to make text, that will look something like this:


Or This.


1. Open up a new image, and make the entire image transparent.


2. Write text on that image with any font, as long as it is somewhat wide (I used Reservoir at 48). Make it a relatively light color, or else this may turn out not the way you want it.


3. Select the text.


4. Now, choose two colors. One is the color you used for the text, the other is a darker version of that color! You will then run a gradient of those on the text. Make sure the darker color is at the bottom and the lighter color is at the top!


5. After having done that, go to "Selection- Outline Selection" and outline it a DARKER VERSION OF THE PREVIOUS COLORS!


6. Duplicate that layer :EditCopy:

7. On the duplicated layer, smudge the image! The smudges must be along the edges of the text you are writing. Example:


When you are finished smudging, the text should look like this:


8. Duplicate the smudged layer, set the layer you had just made to Multiply, and 100% opacity. It should look like this now:


9. Merge the layers down :MergeDown:

10. Create a Drop Shadow. Set it to the color of the text you made in Step 2. Set it to the following properties:

Offset X- 0

Offset Y- 0

Widening Radius- 10

Blur Radius- 10

Keep original Image- Checked

The image should now look like this, which is your final result.


Note: Results will vary based on how you did your smudging. I didn't do my smudging very well on the demo, so, it doesn't look much like the actual result. :)

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Really nice!

Its very easy to follow.

It doesn't take too many plugins.

And it looks awesome!

Here's what I made:



It also kinda looks like fire if you make it orange:


"The truth is just an excuse for having a lack of imagination."

Photobucket sucks!
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how to do this=

4. Now, choose two colors. One is the color you used for the text, the other is a darker version of that color! You will then run a gradient of those on the text. Make sure the darker color is at the bottom and the lighter color is at the top!

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how to do this=

4. Now, choose two colors. One is the color you used for the text, the other is a darker version of that color! You will then run a gradient of those on the text. Make sure the darker color is at the bottom and the lighter color is at the top!

On the right side of the color wheel you will see a button that says "more>>" click that and you can use the sliders to make the colors darker, lighter, and more transparent.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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