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***ADVANCED CRITIQUE*** - Read Rules First


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guys, can we please read ALL the rules? its kinda ruining this thread, and its just turning into a "rate the image of the poster above you" thread. This is ADVANCED CRITIQUE. read ALL the rules please.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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Cazaron is correct. Seriously, how danged disrespectful can you be? "Your image is so unimportant that I'm going to usurp it with mine." Have some consideration, patience and read the rules.

Next time someone ignores the rules, report it and I'll replace the image with this:


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The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Rule #4 is very important o.o


I like ti but it doesn't seem to have any depth... It could be anything from a tornado to intestines.... or liek a soul or something... It needs something I dont quite know what sorry.


I like the blurring on the right sidea nd how all the lines differ in sizes... The text has nice glows to it but if you look at the second red letter it seems something was missed?

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not just rule 4 benji. all of them.

now, flip, as M5000 has got 3 comments, ill just do yours. its small, but i disagree with others. "its too small, we need a bigger one". i object. its purpose is to be small. the colours all suit, the shape is good, but the image just looks flat. no depth, no flow or anything like that. try adding very subtle lighting, and also try defining what the image is by what you make of it, as one previous commenter said, "i dont know what it is". yeah, sure, its abstract. but still, look at oma's gallery, she defines things, she refines things, and they actually look like something. the piece looks rushed as a whole, and as it isnt refined or defined, the piece lacks its inner beauty.

my sig is the next image up for advanced critique. thank you.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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  • 2 weeks later...

this thread has had no attention for a long time ~ bringing focus back

critique my signature "TechSig" please.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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I like the monochromatic scheme, but the blue on the laptop’s screen could be more cyan to fit better with the rest of the piece.

The edges of the laptop are aliased; perhaps a feather is in order if you still have it on a separate layer somewhere.

I can’t quite decide if your name is at the right angle to look like it fits on the screen. It’s close, but maybe not quite there.

The left side of the piece has wonderful texture, and the right is empty. Perhaps you could put an image on the laptop’s screen instead of adjusting the color and text.

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@cazaron:I think it's a bit too busy, I mean, you don't really see what the DNA thing is, untill you look very carefully. Maybe downsize the object and create a calm background.


History repeats itself, because nobody was paying attention the first time.

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i agree it is a tad busy, but its a subjective busy in my opinion. i might have look-see at what i could change. yeah, i guess i like this busy, but if anyone else believes that the business takes away from the whole piece, then let me know.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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my sig. if youve not noticed, ive been replying to comments made about my sig, sayin what i do and dont like.

only 1 more reply until someone else can post their image


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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@Axle, you may want to check these links out: Rules | How to use images | Search

@Cazaron, your sig looks very good. I don't agree with Boude, you can clearly see the DNA thing. At least I can.

I like the position of the text but it looks like it's tilted slightly to the left. You can hardly see it though.

The edges of the laptops´s screen look a tiny bit aliased.

I'm not sure where the focal is but on the other hand I don't think it needs a focal.

Over all it looks very good. I don't know how you could improve it.

I hope this helps :D

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well, thanks skull! im pretty impressed with everyones comments, and for next sig, ill have some things to focus on. thanks all. now, someone elses work to critique?


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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at first impression, i didnt like it. the colours seemed all wrong at first glance. then i actually looked. admit, the colours are off a bit, and the whole composition looks very weird. though, critically speaking, theres a bit to improve, not that i could do it. im rubbish at making things, but i do know what i like. this, i do like, but, as ive said, saturate it, and make the colours a bit more... umm.. closer to the mainstream. the dents plugin was an interesting choice, but i wouldve lowered the settings, and frosted glass at low, then blurred at 1 or 2. i think the dents stands out way too much, and brings way too many focal points.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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so this is advanced critique. I'm going to have hard time with 50 words.

so here goes.

1) I think the colors are not quite harmonious. very clashing and dsturbing to view.

2) you have no real focal point. there needs to be some sort of contrast somewhere between clear sharp and smudge.

3) it looks like you just mushed a bunch of effects around. good abstracts don't just happen or I should say very rarely. There is some planning and knowledge of the direction your use of plugins will take an image.

4) a good abstract very rarely is done in less than 10 mins.

5) an abstract should convey something.... an emotion, a play on words, a distraction from reality...something other than "I just threw a bunch of things together and voila and abstract".

not one of your best sorry if its harsh critique. I think know you are capable of much more.

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I'm glad because I know I was really harsh in critique. It does have potential but I think you need to have a few more practice sessions under your belt with some of the odd ball plugins. This would make a good deep down background foundation on which to build an abstract. If I was to have anything like this in any of my abstracts it would be as a semi transparent picture well in the background with many twists and turns on layers over it.

:wink: keep going you have the start but need the meat and potatoes now. introduce some cleaner colors now in layers over top. make sure you use nothing with grey undertones.

I often reserve pictures like this and wait a week and come back and work the next layers in. Seems to give the brain a chance to introduce tension into an abstract.



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actually oma, critique is actually a dish served best harsh. well, i think so anyway.

yeah, i fully agree with oma on her critique.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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Well, at first glance, I was kind of excited about it. I like that effect and I actually thought the colors were cool together. I was caught up in the movement of the swoosh thingy on top, for one. The colors were disharmonius, and I thought maybe there was something being said that was kind of in-your-face, which I like. However, there wasn't quite the depth after the first glance that I was hoping for, and the profile of the face, if that is what it is, is kind of exaggerated or cartoonish, or the thing that is there reminds me of something like a cartoonish face in profile, and that takes me out of my initial excitement. In the end, the background looks like something that was just an experiment that was never finished or was maybe even abandoned. I like the concept of that swoosh wrapping down around someone's jawline like that, though, especially if the face appears in some way affected by it or as if it was some kind of cyber augmentation helping someone handle some other stimuli. It's a core idea that hasn't been drawn fully out, I'd say. But I was kind of excited about it at first!

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